Interesting, the comments made in the movie about how Woodward & Bernstein seemed to know a lot of what the FBI knew. Also, interesting to hear Deep Throat telling Woodward what he knew about the conspiracy going into the entire intelligence/justice community, now that we KNOW what he knew (and who he was).
But the most interesting thing of all was how all of Nixon's henchmen would come out daily and call the Washington Post a bunch of biased liars with a political agenda. Cripes, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Could Watergate have been uncovered today? God, after Rathergate and Korangate, if the Washington Post depended on Anonymous Felt in the Parking Garage, Fox News would be all over their asses daily. And they'd probably back off the story, and it would disappear, and we'd never hear about it again, and every time we called C-Span to bring it up, they'd CUT US OFF!
Wonderful film ... y'all go out and watch it again, y'hear?