...the concept of ownership. Republicans believe that who they own must be forever loyal to them, be they spouses, children, family, slaves, mistresses, employees, the police, the FBI, the CIA, the military, the community, this country, occupied nations, the world, the atmosphere, outer space, the cosmos, God. Any betrayal to republican confidence from any of these chattels is an immediate sanction in the republican mind and collective sanctions are absolute.
The republican power base will spout rhetoric of values and principles. However, the republican political psyche always has been and will forever be a party politic based on a hierarchy of selective ownership and subjective exclusion. One does not so much join the republican party as one is allowed in and then must demonstrate one's worthiness to remain. Wealth, bloodlines and inherited position allow a certain degree of latitude regarding acceptance, but maintenance and acceleration of political position in the republican party is constantly being assessed and evaluated through words, actions and deeds that are performed and visibly adhere to republican party line.
Step out of line, you are quickly corrected and slapped back into line. Cross over and go completely outside of the line and you are seldom allowed back in and almost certainly never again trusted.