Question: Bush keeps telling us there is a crisis with Social Security and that we must fix it now! Republicans keep asking were are the Democrats proposals to fix Social Security. (maybe there are no proposals because there is no crisis).
BUT!: What about the Federal Deficit? That truly is a crisis, soaring ever higher with each breath of a government on a spending binge. Where is the Republicans plan or for that matter the Presidents plan to fix the Deficit?
Social Security is in the black, the Deficit is just that a deficit. A crisis far greater than Social Security ever will be.
Why do we not see George out running around the country with his selective chats shouting out how he wants to privatize the deficit?
Reply from a repuke: True enough, the SS crisis isn't now but the future of SS must be dealt with soon because the shear numbers of baby boomers coming in to the system will stagger it. I would still like to see more proposals for SS but, keep in mind, the dems won't want to supply Bush with any good plan while he has 3 years left to take credit for it. Their best political strategy is to continue to oppose his plan until they can come back into power.
The deficit ? That's very tough and complex. My guess is that he is biding his time for the full effect of tax cuts on the economy and for the opportune time to pull back from Iraq. The sooner the Iraqis can provide their own security, the sooner we can cut back on war expense and Iraq's oil can freely flow to pay for their own expenses. All of this will take time to settle down. The bigger problem - not a republican or democratic problem, but an American problem- is how to handle the trade deficit with China and their low-cost labor advantage. In that regard, the whole free world has a problem trying to compete with China's advantages. China's rapid industrialization was going to happen regardless of the trade agreements made by Clinton and both Bush's. That problem (outsourcing and all) began during the elder Bush's and Clinton's terms and has really gained steam during W's presidency. Couple that with the war on terrorism and you get a big deficit problem. Of course, I'm no financial expert but that is my take on the problem. America is at a crossroads where we need to redefine how we run our economy because it appears many jobs will never return unless we are willing to live on wages as low as the Chinese. Frankly, I don't think he has any concrete answers. I don't think anybody does at this point. I think one reason he goes after the SS problem is that he feels he DOES have a plan to keep it afloat so he has something to offer the nation even if it gets rejected. I know you will counter that Clinton had a surplus but the economy was actually going down following the collapse of the dotcoms and then came 9/11. It's tough to point fingers at either Clinton or Bush when talking about the economy or terrorism. I think both things were bigger than either president and both had a hand in where things are at today so it really does no good to blame either. Of course, whoever happens to be in power gets the blame/credit.
Waiting for the full effects of the TAX CUTS!