Pat Buchanan has become the official bash Deep Throat spokesperson. I wouldn't be surprised if Buchanon lives at NBC or has a cot in a side room and they just wake him up and switch him on.
Buchanan is sticking to the
Don't talk about the facts - Just bash the messenger strategy that has served many RWers all too well. He has repeatedly called W. Mark Felt a "snake." So I think it bears mentioning that people who break into buildings and plant bugging devices to thwart the democratic process are the people that Buchanan is shilling for.
But of course Pat Buchanan runs himself for President every 4 years (in spite of the fact that he has been given decades of free airtime by NBC and other MSM entities -- FEC rules?!). Buchanan admitted that the votes he received in south Florida in 2000 were not his and his name is synonymous with election fraud. Now he shills for the Watergate burglars.
Snake (pronounced "Snayk," noun) =