Edited on Wed Jun-01-05 05:56 PM by rigel99
and republicans have money because they are criminals willing to do anything including sell their kids or mother for an extra buck?
so in this system of money buys power and criminality buys money how do you compete if you are a. honest b. not willing to sell your mother or kids for an extra buck?
Here's what I propose
we have a system that says a. criminals go to jail b. that that system be run by citizens (all peer jury, judges no more than administrators of trials, and all trials limited to 2 days of deliberation and trials be uneven # of people so there's always a tiebreaking person)
This would fix the problem of citizens like me who have proof of election fraud, but must pay highspeed attorneys and hope to not get corrupt judges to win.
We must put a standardization back in our courts and make it more accountable to citizens. we need more than eliot spitzer trying to prosecute corporations, we need any citizen able to bring multimillion dollar damages suits to courts and speed up the deliberation and 'sentencing' of corporate criminals and have those rules apply to senators, presidents etc.
we also need to get rid of all lobbyists from congress. period. they are not allowed to step one foot into a public office or in congress and their communication can only be by letters and fax which is posted online for all citizens to see (citizens who are monitoring them for wrongdoing and can bring suits against them). Like Dean would only meet with individuals not corporations....
that seems to be the only way I see out of this corporate control of our government.
and candidates running for office can spend no more than $50K for senate races $100K for pres. races on campaigning.. the word gets out thru old fashioned public service announcements, equal PR in press, and word of mouth, door to door canvassing just like it used to be before presidents won by TV...
whadd ya'll think?