Edited on Thu Jun-02-05 10:29 AM by ck4829
There was a large commotion after a group called Freedom House said that Russia was not Free. However, the same charge CAN BE leveled at the United States.
The Media
The Executive Branch in the United States has very strong links to the Media that can compromise Democracy in this country. Several Companies such as CBS, CNN, and even MTV are afraid of provoking the anger of the Bush Administration. Another News Corporation, Fox News, is in lockstep with the Bush Administration and the GOP in General. Yet another Media Group, the Sinclair Broadcasting Corporation, also has Pro-GOP and Pro-Bush links.
The Bush Administration is also linked to a Journalist named 'jeff gannon' and have possibly used him as a Plant for the White House. The Executive Branch has also paid several journalists, they include Armstrong Williams, Margie Gallagher, and more.
Conservative Religious Tyranny
Right Wing Religious Groups are compromising Democracy by telling very large amounts of people that voting for 'the other guy' is a Sin and the only way to be religious is that you must vote for the GOP. Ties between powerful Religious Groups and Political Groups is a great concern. If a Political Party wants to get massive amounts of people who will always vote for it, then what better way to join up with Religious Groups that tell the people who worship at the Churches and watch the Religious Broadcasts of these Groups that they MUST vote for that Party?
Minority Rights
GLBT People are losing the Right to Health care in certain places and Adoption in certain places. GLBT people almost also lost the Right to Marry.
Pro-GOP Secretive Cabals
Groups such as the Council for National Policy and Executive Brethren which have a clearly Pro-GOP, Pro-RW Agenda are in league with Bush and the top members of the GOP, such as Tom DeLay. These groups provide very little disclosure into their activities.
With all of these in mind, America must be downgraded to Not Free Status.