As monitored by'Reilly:
Talking Points Memo: “The American Civil Liberties Union is the most dangerous organization in the country.”
Segment 1: “Now for the top story tonight, another view of the ACLU's attack on America.”
Segment 2: “In the Factor investigation segment tonight, we've been reporting on the brutal murder of 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford.”
Segment 3: “Continuing now with the Jessica Lunsford case.”
Segment 4: “Impact segment tonight, there's another Live Aid concert series planned.”
Segment 5: “Some of the biggest names in Hollywood are pushing the Scientology agenda.”
Segment 6: “How far left is Hillary Clinton?”
Most ridiculous item of the day: Poll about Michael Jackson
or Hannity and
Segment 1: “Amnesty International is comparing the treatment of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to the treatment of prisoners in the Soviet gulags.”
Segment 2: “It looks like a White House run for Senator Hillary Clinton in 2008 is looking better than ever.”
Segment 3: “A controversial new book for teens has many parents and educators on the edge.”
Segment 4: “Why did a 9-year-old girl stab her best friend in the chest?”
Segment 5: “Are Michael Jackson supporters trying to play the race guard?”
Segment 6: “After 35 years, he is a free man. Now, I'm telling you, you won't believe what landed this man in jail to begin with.”