and dominioniism a bible based problem, coming from the bible itself. bible is not a book to base ANY morality upon it is NOT a guide on how to be good person.Faith kills History shows this.
As long as Christians and churches excuse their bibles more corrupted texts for the bible excused abuses against humanity and call it the word of god it will continue to spawn believers like the christofascistts we have taking over our government today.
It's the bible itself that causes right wing Christianity.
Christianity has an ugly history and to deny that and still cling to the bible to me says too many Christians do not understand the book and do not look beyond the feel good phrases. Problem is OTHER Christians see beyond the feel good phrases and oppress society and people with it in the name of faith and divine extortion.And the god of the bible SANCTIONS this,itself.
I think the bible justifies slavery....And it excuses dominionist sicko wealth prosperity scam/teaching The twisted beliefs of fundamentalists go back to the Zealot sects, the slave state and divine right of kings is indeed biblical...and deadly to freedom.
Liberal Christians better look at their bibles closer and stop and THINK of what is saying and what the words mean in context and how it could be applied by bullies or an empire or they will never have the tools or savvy to stop the dominionists from destroying us with their culture war and their narcissistic insanity to do destruction to create Armageddon to live out a re birthing traumas fantasy that I think all of society struggles with unconsiously...
The bible and the words in it being taken literally as the bible itself says to do,is what made the dominionists the crusades and inquisition possible.The bible and the words in it and what they mean are the problem..Selective viewing of the Christian bible and other "holy" texts as well through certain feel good verses and rose colored glasses does not address the real life problems this belief system causes real people living together in real life.. is not a single condemnation of slavery by Jesus in the entire gospels. Yet it is inconceivable that Jesus was unaware of slavery and the moral issue since "Jesus lived in a world where slavery was common.
Why do you think that is????
There seem to have been slave revolts in Palestine and Jordan in Jesus' youth. There were innumerable slaves of the Emperor and the Roman state; the Jerusalem temple owned slaves; the High Priests owned slaves (one of them lost an ear in Jesus' arrest); all of the rich and many of the middle classes owned slaves." Yet "Jesus never attacked the practice. He took the state of affairs for granted" Professor Morton Smith, Columbia University, What The Bible Says 1989 p143.
What of the attitude of Paul ? He wrote : "Those who are slaves must consider their masters worthy of all respect, so that no one will speak evil of the name of God and of our teaching. Slaves belonging to Christian masters must not despise them, for they are their brothers." (1 Timothy 6:1-2).
Paul's reference to "Christian masters" immediately reveals that early Christians owned slaves. But far from condemning the practice amongst fellow Christians and in the wider world, Paul does the opposite by arguing that slave masters, be they Christians or non-Christians, must be given respect by their slaves. It is striking just how emphatic Paul is about this, particularly in his use of words such as "must" and "all".
Paul's letter to Titus tells slaves in no uncertain terms that : "Slaves are to submit to their masters and please them in all things. They must not answer them back or steal from them. Instead, they must show that they are always good and faithful, so as to bring credit to the teaching about God our Saviour in all they do." 2: 9-10. the third commandment of the ten commandments, it says in literal translation to not covet thy neighbors man servants. That is a nice word for slave. They were considered property, so the more you had the more wealthy, so according to the bible the northern states during the U.S. civil war we were breaking one of the commandments.
Because many of the classes that have owned slaves throughout history, have always thrown up the jealousy excuse to people that want to end it. This very commandment has very oppressive connotations, because it sees any one that tries to free themselves out of their system is just "jealous" this belief implies that jealousy is the motive and brushes away the oppressive system that they are being attacked for.
'Does Bush's bullshit quote.."they covet us for our "freedoms" ie bullying and wealth and extortion of corporation/owners sound familiar and bible based ? It is.
This word "covet" can be applied to whatever by law is considered property, and to many people in the south it was stealing or theft when people were conducting the underground railroad etc. I don't think it was stealing, This law like many other biblical references can and has been used to justify their economic condition or whatever property laws are in place to help a group of people. I also meant that by calling it jealousy or coveting someone else's goods, is usually an accusation upon the peoples under oppression to ignore their issues.
And gay marriage abortion all of this shit does not deal with the fact people in America go hungry food stamps are being cut,bosses are abusive,the government is intrusive, billions of people are suffering and working long hours for no benefits and low wages that live paycheck to paycheck so the wealthy few can have it all.
More recently many people actually believe that the reactions of people toward the U.S. are because their jealousy of our riches or freedoms, or people call strikers jealous of the business owners, or people call women who want equal freedoms only jealous of the male dominated society. This wording as it has been used throughout history and in the bible only brushes off a serious look at the problems. So by calling it coveting in the bible only gives excuses for later people in history to use similar excuses for similar problems.
The bible has the seeds of fascism in it. The evil in the bible is contradictory and subtle.People tend to cherry pick verses and omit the evil verse and take it out of it's cultural contexts It's a psychologically manipulative book when taken literally and treated as if it is supernatural.Faith has no reason and it is toxic to a culture that has to use reason to get along with diverse people.
A horrid caste system in India was built upon religious beliefs as an answer to top down power to justify the wealthy class rule, too,It has been done before . It has been done before here too in the south.
Nowadays we have a wage slave system that creates illusory freedom.
Work or starve..Sounds so commie put that way doesn't it? Well communism and capitalism are very similar in one big thing..they share alot of the same basis of operation.Work for a master obey or or die.. The adherents to these allegedly opposite systems of economics refuse to see this connection between the root of these two beliefs which boil down to the same shit,work to exist or die,
and ownership is good.. be the state owning all or individuals who basically own all through corporations that make worker states and force people to be beholden to them which is facilitated through exploitation of labor ,distribution and massive theft ,domination and the selling of the basic needs to make existence for a human for labor or obedience to a master or boss or landlord..A lord is a lord and they all hoard and make you pay to exist and to not suffer on Earth.Misery is profitable to masters.
If you did not have to pay and work for some boss(master) to eat what the Earth gives all for free you might not sell your labor so cheap to assholes and control freaks and thieves and put up with mistreatment at work or poverty..If you could escape you could build a different culture with a different value system than this wage slave based one we have has..But if you try it the"powers that dominate"(or principalities and powers )does not want anyone to be happy or free dropping out of their control system making a rival culture to their empire.This is why colonists destroy other indigenous cultures. Like capitalists colonialists wipe out the competition so they are the only game in town and can do whatever they want to you..
The bible justifies this oppression and all sorts of other evil against humanity...The bible cannot be salvaged in a liberal friendly way. The book is too corrupted.
In the bible slaves are told to be subject to their masters,and serve them well...
There are many many examples relating Christianity to a form of slavery (slavery to God) and the 'shackles' of sin,"Serving" god all are symbols of slavery. The wicked slave/good slave analogy's, slaves deserving to be beaten for their transgressions (like Christians are punished)
The slave owners believed that Northern abolitionists were breaking God's commands by helping to free the slaves, slavery was a practice obviously condoned in the bible...
"Unbiblical" modern ideas like womans rights ,are a sign of people's more enlightened,more rational humane orientation. .
This belief in the bible,that posits this dominion of God and his elect man as his slaves acting as and masters of women and the earth for themselves as if god allows this is why the Klan flag and the Christian flag look so frighteningly similar..It's not because the Christian flag was "co opted" by the Klan.. Its because the Klan and Christianity by default are both rooted in the same kind of sick faith based, very destructive beliefs to human beings like slavery.
Whether one Christian admits this and the other does not is a moot point for their text god and faith sanctions human rights atrocity on it's own, in black and white(or red and white) regardless of opinions of what a good Christian is or isn't.
Making evil into good and good into evil is what the bible DOES to your internal sense of ethics,of knowing right and wrong .The bible encourages you adopt a selective kind of moral relativism about human rights.
Don't be fooled by the sickness in the bible, liberal Christians.
Look at your beliefs and bible closer.Admit it has horrors in it that your God finds pleasing to itself.
Under the pretty verses you like in the bible there is also a dark oppressive type of ruler that lurks there and this ruler is justified by god through the words in that book if you believe it and act on it as is dangerous.
If you believe the bible god has a right to own your life,own your mind and heart,you are a slave to it ,you worship a ruler,a master, a power and principality and you are shackled to it with your fear and awe. The lord of this world,to Christians is Jesus who is also the "morning star" coincidentally a name used in other parts of the bible for Satan and the king of Babylonia. Go figure...
The dominionists are Antichrist..but so are Liberal Christians...the
bystanders to antichrist washing the blood off their hands like Pilate..
The empire mind itself is who and what that wrote or edited the bible at the council of Nicea in Rome.Original Christianity was ANTI AUTHORITARIAN, Gnostic(know yourself the kingdom of God is within you) and Anti Archon or anti ruler /master bully, anti control system,anti abuse, and anti slave.The Romans edited that part OUT of the bible..left enough of the good stuff to make people is good...Be careful what you believe,and call THE TRUTH.