User Comments:
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Beautiful Film, makes me cry, 19 December 2004
Author: imdb-45 from New York
I'm not a tearjerker but this one always makes me shed a few tears. It's not perfect but it is such an enjoyable watch and a sweet film. It's very thought provoking. I think that some of the lack of "scifi" which many seemed to criticize was intentional -- perhaps this future is really not as far ahead as the scifi nuts here would like to think.
For those who criticized the character writing, e.g. Jerome being not likable... you missed the point guys. Each individual has their own motives and driving forces, whether you like them or not. Jerome feels like his life of perfection (or near perfection) has been stolen away from him. Vincent is the only one who can at least make his pain subside to some extent and make life a challenge to be conquered once again. Uma's character wasn't more developed and perhaps better that way... we know enough to make the point and not overshadow the main two characters who need the most screen time and analysis.
For those screaming that some of the ideas are taken from Bladerunner, 1984, etc. I say that everything can be claimed to have been somewhat stolen/based upon/borrowed from someone else. But this film was unique. Bladerunner is perhaps one of my favorite films but this is definitely not Bladerunner and to compare the two misses the ultimate point about man's own cruelty and lack of compassion.
Gattaca didn't make it in the theatres as well because it was marketed as more of a Star Trek/Star Wars type film that was really more of a character analysis than a space age adventure. I stayed away. When I caught it on DVD I was so moved that I bought it. This is not mind numbing sci fi. This is the kind of film that reminds you why films were so much more interesting back in the day before most of them relied upon digital eye candy. This is a sweet, sad film about a time where people are made as good as they can be engineered and the horrific, frightening consequences of what happens when science permits us to create our own uberpeople... Very highly recommended.