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Repuke conclusion on Watergate: Nixon should've been above the law

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Proud2BAmurkin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 01:36 PM
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Repuke conclusion on Watergate: Nixon should've been above the law
Edited on Thu Jun-02-05 01:39 PM by Proud2BAmurkin
"Why couldn't they just let Nixon and his scumbag administration commit their filthy crimes for the "greater good"?

Why do they hate Amurrrrka?"

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whistle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 01:45 PM
Response to Original message
1. Read 'em and laugh....Nixon was a mafia mob shill.....
Shortly after Batiste’s fall and Castro’s ascension to the leadership of Cuba, Meyer Lansky proposes to the CIA that Castro be “taken out.” Norman Rothman, who has covered a number of VP Richard Nixon’s major gambling disasters as manager of the mob-owned Sans Souci casino, agrees.

According to House and Senate Intelligence Committee probes, the CIA and mob bosses begin planning the murder of Fidel Castro in the fall of this year. Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana meet with CIA Director Allen Dulles- who holds regular briefings with Vice-President Nixon.

CIA operatives E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, and William Harvey (who organized the CIA-backed overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz's Guatemalen government), meet numerous times with the gangsters. Plots are hatched, but Castro’s excellent security, as well as a good dose of charmed luck, leaves him untouched. Meyer Lansky reportedly offers a million-dollar reward for the killing of Cuban leader.

Hoover discovers from electronic surveillance that Sam Giancana, bloodthirsty Chicago mob boss and sometime-patron of Joe Kennedy Sr, and John Roselli are in league with the CIA to have Castro assassinated.

When Nixon’s friend and advisor Bebe Rebozo organizes the development of the Cuban shopping center in Miami, he picks ‘Big Al’ Polizzi’s construction company. Polizzi has held such high rank in the mob world that, according to the FBI, he is on the Mafia Grand Council. ‘Big Al’ has also worked for Meyer Lansky, and was jailed in 1943 for smuggling liquor between Cuba and the US. He owns the Sands, one of the Miami Beach hotels controlled by the mob, and is connected to US narcotics trafficking. In the ‘60s, Rebozo will try to get Polizzi a federal pardon, calling him, “a person of good moral character.”

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librechik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 01:54 PM
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2. in a way, I'm glad this came up.
Watergate is THE BIG ROOT of all the current Republican hatred against the left. A brave man risked his life and his career to stop an untouchable criminal cabal, and they are OUTRAGED that he has avoided their retribution. They have been taking their hatred about the Watergate takedown out on the rest of us ever since then.

Felt was right--They were NAZIS, and if he had "done the right thing" nd gone to the CHIEF NAZIS to report the crimes he observed, he would have been destroyed and discredited and the crimes would have continued. He had to operate undercover, that was his talent and his salvation. These criminals like Liddy and Colson, who went to jail for the crimes Felt help expose should be thrown back in prison for failing their rehabilitation, if they think Felt was the bad guy. They apparently learned nothing from their incarceration except how to make it big on hate radio.

These crooks only allow their own crooked friends to investigate their crimes; look what's happening with Abu Ghraib! And Rummey, Cheney and others were part of that Nazi group even then. That's why I REFUSE to call them Republicans, they're Nazis, plain and simple, and they won, and now they are whining about getting busted again.

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TankLV Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 02:03 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. That is the main difference between now and then.
My how the climate has changed.

People actually have the balls to DEFEND Nixon!!!!!!


And we wonder why NOTHING has ever come of any of the bushco crimes, let alone ray-gun's.

And some here think there are good repukes.
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FloridaPat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 02:08 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Look at Reagan! He was the most corrupt evil man to be president
in my lifetime until the 2000 election. He and Bush 1 should both be in jail (yes, dig him up). Instead the repubs have spent 25 years making him a naitonal hero! And now there is Bush that makes Reagan look like a saint and they are defending him on everything. These people have been drinking too much acid.
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