Dulles, from what can be inferred, must have been a player. The CIA leadership appears to have supplied more than a couple participants, like E Howard Hunt and David Atlee Phillips, as did their under-stooges in the Mafia and the Bay of Pigs veterans communities. IMFO, the odds are near nearly 90-percent for.
The thing is, there are so many suspects. Many in (if not most of) the Establishment hated President John F. Kennedy. From Big Oil to Big Steel to the Dixiecrat-KKK-NAZI axis. They all hated Kennedy.
Imagine their shock at the outcome of the 1960 election. They were sure their warmonger Nixon was going to win, having not counted on all the dead voters in Chicago and south Texas.
After their shock wore off and their blood pressure returned to normal, they figured the young president to be a New Dealer who'd cost them money and power. That was the least of their worries. They feared the godless and cashless communists would soon be at our shores and that wouldn't be good for bidniss or their own privileged positions.
Yet, the biggest reason for the animus toward Kennedy, I believe, was his steadfast refusal to start war. Contrary to all the advice of the Cabinet, Joint Chiefs and senior Congressional leadership, Kennedy refused to go to war over the Bay of Pigs and even the Cuban Missile Crisis. Afterward, he turned down Operation NORTHWOODS and sacked the Chairman of the JCS, Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer.
During the Cuban Missile Crisis of October, 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, almost the entire cabinet, and most of Congress that had been briefed wanted JFK to launch a nuclear strike against the Soviet Union, even if it meant global nuclear war.
Thanks to Adlai Stevenson and Bobby Kennedy, the President ordered the government agencies to work out an alternative. That was the embargo. For his trouble keeping the world from ending, JFK was branded "soft" on communism and worse.
One of the things that has most troubled me about the JFK assassination is that there is so much evidence indicating government duplicity in the killing. Chief among these is the concerted efforts to paint Oswald as being a communist sympathizer who wanted to shoot the President and then flee to Cuba.
(This is in addition to the trail created before the assassination: One man purchased trucks in Oswald's name. Another man claimed to be Oswald took a car salesman on a harrowing "test drive" and said he'd be "coming into money" soon.)
A man impersonating Oswald appeared at the Cuban embassy in Mexico City. There were even records of CIA-wiretapped phone calls of a man claiming to be Oswald to the Cuban embassy. To me, that demostrates SOMEONE went to a lot of trouble to point the finger at Castro -- and by extension his backers in Moscow.
To the Warren Commission and the public, the CIA stated the man was Oswald. Only decades later did the Agency recant and state they don't know who the man was. But at the time, someone in the Agency wanted Oswald to be a Cuban sympathizer so the American people would be UNITED in a war on Cuba and the Soviets.
This is the man the CIA top brass claimed was Lee Harvey Oswald. Notice the forearms, those of a very strong man. And another shot:
http://history-matters.com/essays/jfkgen/LastingQuestions/imagesStriking there's no similarity to Lee Harvey Oswald. Yet, more and more it looks like Oswald was a loyal American used by his government to be the "Patsy."
Nice people. Never a Dulles moment.
Professor John Newman, Ph.D., Maj., U.S. Army (ret.), author of “JFK and Vietnam” and “Oswald and the CIA” did a great job of making the case that the right wing Establishment set up Oswald.:
http://www.jfklancer.com/backes/newman/The ultra-rightists in the government and the Pentagon saw Kennedy as a coward. Of course they figured he wouldn't be in favor of expanding the military-industrial complex into the Cold War future indefinitely, through an unwinnable land war in southeast Asia, so they did what the NAZIs and commies do: “No man. No problem.”
After he was dead, these turds turned the media on Lee Harvey Oswald. They painted him a commie sympathiser and tied him to Fidel Castro. Gee. They weren't going to give up on getting Cuba back into United Veggie's claws.