Edited on Fri Jun-03-05 12:37 AM by necso
but it can help.
If you are going to get ahead (or just survive) in the shark-pool, then you better have a strategy for dealing with the sharks. -- And as a subordinate this may well mean "swallowing" much uncalled-for (and counterproductive) ugliness. However, you must not let it really bother you -- while maybe pretending like it does, in order to give some sadist his jollies (this is a rather risky tactic*, but it can work).
There are also ugly games that you can play -- as long as the chain of assholes stretching above you has powerful enemies or competitors.
Of course, if we're talking that it is the one big boss that is your problem, then you're pretty much screwed, at least if you can't keep some distance. In this circumstance, one hangs on and tries to find (the somewhat) better, before one busts.
In our world, merit can count for very little. And business is often a game played on superficial levels (with little or no real accountability, and, indeed, with very little understanding of what actually produces value).
As for justice -- in practise, what's that? -- It's something hard enough to find in our courts, much less in the larger society.
*: One must balance the risk of worse and/or more frequent attacks (and attacks by others) against the possibility that giving (apparent) "satisfaction" will result in shorter attacks. This is best suited to circumstances where contact with the torturer is naturally limited. And it is ill-suited to circumstances where there is (usually) a single (primary) whipping-boy in the group. And strange as it may sound, I have actually had this tactic work for me -- although one may need to accompany it with a certain amount of coyness (that is, some "natural" apparent reluctance to "rise to the bait").