First off, let me say, I am late to the DU party, forgive me…
So last night I was going through my blog and reviewing all the content, mainly looking for those damn spam trackbacks. I noticed that I had some comments that I had not really seen before. Most from my early posts, so they were most likely found via google or something.
Anyway, I had a bunch of comments from _jim and others that labeled there posts “Free Republic”
So here is my vent.
Those that are on the Right have an innate inability to think for themselves. Every single argument that he and his zombies make fall into one of two categories.
Category one, “Well Clinton ….”
No matter what this administration does, you get, “Well Clinton ….
Iraq = “Well Clinton, Bosnia, blowjob” Economy = “Current economic woes Clintons fault, blowjob” Lies about War on Terror = “Clinton, lies, blowjob”
It goes on and on and on…
So My Message to Freepers, Your argument is weakened when you Justify bad behavior with bad behavior. Your mother tried to teach you this when she said “If Bobby jumped off a bridge, would you?”
So just because Clinton "did blah blah" does not make it okay for Bush, it was wrong for Clinton, it is wrong for Bush.
The Second is the talking points… The Freeper have become the “See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil” people. If the Shrub said the sky is green with lemons falling out, they would run with it. The have suspended independent thought. The Faith Based, Fact-free thinkers…
Damn people! I DO NOT believe everything I am told from the left or the right. I can think for my self, unlike Bush!
I will also give you a way out. Rejecting the Republican lie does not make you a Democrat, you can be independent!
Everything that _jim said sounded like Karl himself wrote it, it was down to the talking point…
Thank you for allowing me to vent…