With Felt coming out it make a bunch of things become a lot clearer for this old Watergate watcher...and it's not a pretty picture of the "intrepid" reporters.
Woodward and Bernstein were working the city beat...small time writers whose job was usually covering the book fair or City Council meetings. This story dropped in their lap, and Felt saw a free shot in feeding these kids a story and see how far it would go. To Felt's surprise, it went all the way up to Ben Bradlee (the REAL hero if there is one here...he was the one who chose to print and go to the wall against Kathrine Graham). Today, that story would never have made it out of police beat...especially if it showed a Repugnican was involved.
There are a lot of Woodward and Bernsteins out there now...that's the problem...scribes looking to be used for a story and the more the story is handed to them the better. Look at Michael Isakoff and what he did with Linda Tripp was no different...he let Starr do all the work for him...he just was in the right place at the right time.
What we need is to promote and encourage alternative media...bypassing the corporate media and finding a means and messengers to get out the truth. The internet is a good start, but it means supporting Progressive Talk radio, newspapers, magazines and other ways we can trump the large corporate interests. That's where our next hero needs to be found.