To whom it may concern,
With the recent disclosure that Mark Felt was Deep Throat, I think now would be an apropos time to start reporting on the minutes of the July 23 2002 Downing Street Memo. Not familiar with it? Well it's pretty easy to find, I'll even help. Just type downing street memo into your favorite search engine, and viola! There it is! I'll make it super easy, here's a link, See,no tedious typing involved! I know your corporate parents might prefer if this would just go away quietly,being part of the military-industrial complex and all, but there are an awful lot of us out here that are fed up with your silence.
Seeing as how nightly news broadcasts ratings are in the crapper and getting worse, this would be a great opportunity really kick start a ratings war! I can't believe there isn't a single person in your organization that doesn't have the cojones to start REPORTING THE FACTS!
Just how long were you planning on sitting on this? Our service people are dying in the thousands, should you wait until they're dying in the tens of thousands? Not to mention the Iraqis', They're up around 100,000 dead.Should you wait until it's a million? Two million?
Please don't get mad at me,(the messenger)just breathe deeply for a few minutes, relax, and think back to why you chose your career, to get the facts, to tell the American people the truth,right? Now, place your fingers on the keyboard, and DO YOUR JOB.
Sincerely,***** ******. Seattle WA.
Think I'll get a resonse? I Don't.