With an excellent smack down at the end! :applause:
http://www.newshounds.us/2005/06/03/the_downing_street_memo_and_impeachment_get_a_fair_hearing.php"gfl46 and trb, I know you're Rush Limbaugh listenin' republicans and all - and with all due respect, it seems to me you're being Bush admin apologists - big time.
1. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield are "neocons". Do you know what a "neocon" is? They are people who want to militarily democratize the middle east to build a wall of democratic states around Israel. It really amazes me how little most professed republicans know about neoconservativism, and the neocon agenda. If you want to learn more about it, I suggest this link from the Christian Science Monitor. It's a quick, easy read.
http://www.csmonitor.com/specials/neocon/neocon101.html Take the interactive "quiz". It's fun. It will tell you if you're really a neocon of not.
Personally, I think it's the radical, stupid strategy of naive idiotic idealogues, which is doomed to fail - and worse, cost thousands (millions?) of people their lives. It will doom the US to a perpetual war for perpetual peace scenario.
2. Rumsfield, Cheney and other high-ranking members of the Bush administration were signers of the radical and controversial, Project for a New American Century (the PNAC document), which was presented to Clinton. This is a neocon proposal/manifesto (of sorts) which requested massive military build-up, and re-working of the military to execute the neocon agenda. In that document, it cites the need for a "new Perl Harbor" to expedite their agenda. Or, one can easily (and should) interpret this as "we need a reason to invade the middle east". (Not to brag, but as soon as it was established that a middle east terrorist was responsible for 911 - I knew with 100% certainty, we were going into Iraq. It was that obvious, if you're up on neoconservativism. I bet Wolfowitz, Rummy, Cheney, and Kristol were doing heel-kicks and drinking champagne on 911...)
3. Paul O'Neill - the Bush appointed Secretary of the Treasury, comes out and states - outright, in The Price of Loyalty that Bush had an obsession with regime change in Iraq. It was a priority before the 911 tragedy. Likewise...
4. Richard Clarke in Against All Enemies, cites how Bush turned his attention toward Iraq despite their being little evidence to support Bush's overstated claims of Iraq's danger and capability.
5. Bush cites a known forged doc claiming Iraq's attempted purchase of Nigerian yellow cake. Powell cites aluminum tubes... etc, etc, etc...
6. No WMDs found in Iraq... (doh!) Bush took a calculated risk. I think he thought they would find "something" - even a handful of chemical weapons not destroyed so he could justify the war. Hans Blix and others involved with the UN weapons inspection had stated all along the Hussein was clean.
6. Now we have the Downing Street Memo from the HEAD of BRITISH SECURITY(!) claiming:
"Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."
7. 1600-1700 of our military men our now dead due to the lies of this despicable man, George Bush. Tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians are dead - many children, due to the lies of this despicable man, George Bush. Tens - perhaps hundreds of thousands of people are suffering the horrible consequences of war - lost limbs, blindness, severe burns, horrible injuries, psychological damage due to the lies of this despicable man, George "Iraq, Saddam" Bush and the FUCKING IDIOTIC neocon agenda.
C'mon, guys - I mean jesus christ, how much are you willing to overlook??? It's un-f'n-believably obvious at this point! This is all due to the DESPICABLE, COWARDLY, IDIOT IDEALOGUE you elected, the neocon agenda - which most republicans aren't even aware of, and their fucking lies.
These are evil, ruthless, brutal, and cowardly me. Want to support them? Be my guest. I don't see how you can look at this situation we're now in, thanks to drunk, coke-snortin', weed token asshole POTUS - who can't even complete a freakin' sentence without sounding like an idiot, and not be outraged.
How long are you gonna keep giving this idiot a pass?
Posted by: BushIsOurRuination at June 3, 2005 09:50 AM"