Richard Clarke - Former NSA Counterrorism Chief ("The Lights are blinking Red", "Bush wanted to get Saddam from day one")
Joe Wilson - Former Ambassador ("The Yellow-Cake documents were forged")
Paul O'Neill - Former Bush Teasury Secratary ("Bush is like a blind man in a room full of deaf people")
Michael Scheurer - Former Head of the CIA Bin Ladin Desk ("While al Qaeda-led, anti-U.S. hatred grows among Muslims, U.S. leaders boast of being able to create democracy anywhere they choose, ignoring history and, as Stanley Kurtz reminded them in Policy Review, failing to regard Hobbes's warning that nothing is more disruptive to peace within a state of nature than vainglory...")
Lt. Karen Kwaitkowski - Former Aide to the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans ("the pressure of the intelligence community to conform, the rejection of it when it failed to produce intelligence suitable for supporting the “Iraq is an imminent threat to the United States” agenda, and the amazing things I was hearing in both Bush and Cheney speeches told me that not only do neoconservatives hold a theory based on ideas not embraced by the American mainstream, but they also have a collective contempt for fact.")
http://vyan.blogspot.com/2004/10/conscientious-objector.htmlAccording to
Journalist Sy Hersh (who was on of reporters who broke the original
Mai Lai story from Vietnam), the Bush administration has been in the act of implement a massive "purge" of any dissenters from ranking levels of the government for severals years, long before the host of resignations that immediately followed the placing of Porter Goss as the new DCI (Director of Central Intelilgence). If there are any potential Whistle-Blowers or Deep Throats left -- most likely they're already talking to Sy. ("I've been doing an alternate history of the war, from inside, because people, right after 9/11, because people inside — and there are a lot of good people inside — are scared, as scared as anybody watching this tonight I think should be")