Look at what we stand for. (not necessarily in order of importance)
Decent jobs that pay a living wage (not 3 part time benefit-less jobs that eat up 90 hours a week)
Equal rights for EVERYONE, not just the privileged few
Affordable "post-high school" education (to prepare for a decent job)
Health care when its needed ( you shouldn't have to mortgage your future because you need an operation)
Safe Schools for our kids that actually teach them (not just prepare them for a never-ending spate of tests)
Clean water
Clean air
Conserving what we have left of the wilderness areas. (just because WE may have already seen them,is no reason to clear cut it all...our descendants should have the opportunity as well)
Taxation that represents our demographics. (Have more??..pay more!..no exceptions)
A safe food and medicine supply (the time for "testing" is BEFORE the general public consumes them...not after)
A secure old age, after a lifetime of work (a smooth transition OUT of work is necessary to provide stability in our country)
The right to worship in your church/synagogue/temple/mosque/chapel or home(without ANY intervention by ANYONE...and to NOT be subjected to other people's dogma unless YOU choose to visit their place of worship...the "common", school or workplace is not the place for aggressive worship..by ANYONE)
The right to terminate a pregnancy (government should not interfere in a legal process)
The ability to hear all sides of any given issue over the airwaves that we supposedly OWN.
The right to vote, and KNOW that our vote was accurately recorded, and COUNTED.(the acrimony of today is directly related to the ambiguity of our recent elections...(people find it hard to have allegiance to a leader not "properly" elected.)
There are many more than these, but when you look at the totality of them, are these things really "radical"? These are all things that we once HAD, and have lost in varying degrees, over the past few decades.
Our current government tells us "we cannot afford these things", BUT...isn't a government's PRIMARY responsibility to its citizens? The right loves to remind us that we are a "representative republic,not a democracy", unless of course they are trying to overturn a longtime senatorial tradition..then they wrap themselves in the blanket of democracy..but for the most part they love to cling to the idea of republic.
Why WOULD the "republic" prefer that tax money sent in by citizens of the nation be spent to cause havoc and wars all over the world...instead of providing themselves with the benefits to society in general? Answer.. They would not. I would venture, that if you stopped people at random and asked them what they wanted for their families, a bloated military that attacks at will, using THEIR children, would not be very high on the list. They might also never get around to subscribing to the theological leanings of whatever "leader" happens to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
The shift from the "common" to the "specific" is killing our nation. We no longer care for the best resource we have..our citizens. Citizenship of a nation comes with responsibilities, and we understand that, BUT with citizenship also comes benefits of citizenship.
People who come here illegally believe that once they have "blended in", and can somehow achieve their goal of citizenship, they too, can have the American Dream.. What they find out, is that it WAS all just a dream. All that citizenship seems to guarantee today, is that the class-ism that they left behind, is here waiting for them here, and that unless you have lots of protected family wealth behind you, you are likely to live the life of a "worker bee"..useful only as long as a rich person deems you useful. Once your tenure as a "useful citizen" is done, you are as important as a wadded up used Kleenex.
Our beliefs and hopes for our country are NOT radical. They are what used to pass for NORMAL.