reaches, extends signature goal; creates tip line
By Raw Story
06/04/05 "RS" - - The office of Representative John Conyers (D-MI)
believes it has surpassed its stated goal of 100,000 signatures
requesting an investigation into the Downing Street Memo, minutes of
a British Prime Minister's meeting on July 23, 2002.
"Right now, we are going through signatures to verify the number,"
said Danielle Brown, Conyers' spokesperson. Brown currently puts the
number of signers at an, "estimated 110,000 and growing." With
Conyers' web site receiving about 5,000 unique visitors every 4 to 5
hours, the Congressman has made his revised goal 250,000 signatures.
Conyers also hopes to attract prospective whistleblowers through a
new tips line on the Democrats' House Judiciary web page. "There
remain many unanswered questions regarding President Bush's lead up
to the Iraq war that suggest a serious abuse of power," Conyers
stated in a press release. "I am hopeful there are people who have
leads and information that will bring us closer to the truth.
"Accessing my website will enable courageous civil servants and
concerned citizens to contact me in order to provide relevant
information in a secure and confidential manner. As we have been
reminded this week by the disclosure of the identity of 'Deep
Throat', a single citizen can expose widespread corruption in an
The Downing Street minutes, recorded prior to the invasion of Iraq,
have become a source of controversy since their publication last
month in the Sunday Times, but have received little U.S. media
attention. Among other things, the minutes record that, "Bush wanted
to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the
conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were
being fixed around the policy."
Related links: Downing Street Memo tips line. - Downing Street Memo
at Timesonline