Every other car in the town I live in has the support out troops ribbon ,it is unbelieveable. I live in probably one of the few small cities in Ca. that has so many bush supporters. A town where a small 3 bedroom house will cost you $650,000 plus and has many multi million dollare homes. What I would like is a sticker that says "support our troops ,bring them home alive now !" When the 2000 election fiasco hapen ,every weekend they had organized bush suporters on street corners with pro bush signs bull horns etc. Iam still amazed at the supposely educated people that support this idiot in office. For them the bottom line is ,less taxes for them to pay with their $200,000 a year incomes. I rent a smalll condo in this town and have been living here for eight years, we chose to live here because it has good public schools for our 10 & 8 year old to attend. When I was 15 years old my parents moved here from Chicago ,and purchased a 5 bedroom house in 1972 for $48,000 ,that same 2600sqft home is now selling for close to 1 million $ . How am I and my children going to afford to ever buy a house is just a pie in the sky dream now. Most of the friends I grew up with in this town have moved at least a hour futher out from San Francisco where homes are somewhat more affordable. We chose to spend time being with our children ,then comuting 2 hours every day each way to work ,I did not want to miss seeing them grow up ,since I was 36 years old when I married for the first time , and having a daughter and a son are the best thing thats ever happen to me ,along with the marriage to my wonderful wife. My wifes biggest dream now is home ownership ,and my heart breaks that I cant provide her with answering this dream for her. How it went from my father with 3 young boys and a daughter ,and being only in his mid twenties ,buying their frist house for $17,000 ,to where you cant even buy a new car for that price ,Sure incomes have gone up ,however it has not kept up with cost of living. Iam watching the middle class disappear B/4 my very eyes ! HELP !!!! Thank You to All that read This ,Bless You, Nick