(warning, stream of conscious discussion ahead)
In another thread recently someone noted that it was *paraphrased* Tin Foil Hatish to think the government would engineer designer virus's to kill off or control populations. I paused at that for a moment because, while I had never been one to accept HIV as a *conspiracy*, the statement, and concept behind it just didn't settle right in my head.
So I began asking myself about the question: Do I believe it's possible or (more directly) likely that our government...or any major government would try and control population through killing off people? Do I believe they can be or...ARE...capable or willing to engage in such acts? Would they use disease to do so? Does it matter if it's a disease?
The more I thought about it the more I started remembering some things from college back in the day...I remembered Malthus. I looked him back up and found this nice page that talks about him
http://desip.igc.org/malthus/principles.html-Food is necessary for human existence.
-Human population, if not checked, tends to grow faster than the power in the earth to produce subsistence.
-The effects of these two unequal powers must be kept equal.
-Misery is the mechanism that balances human requirements and available resources.
-Nature's requirement that the imbalance between demand and supply be resolved forms the "strongest obstacle in the way of any very great improvement of society," and thus makes "the perfectibility of man and society" a theoretical and practical impossibility.
-The Principle of Population, i.e., the inevitability of misery due to the power of population to overwhelm resources, provides the mainspring behind the advance of human civilization by creating incentives for progress. Interesting, I remembered him advancing biological theories...didn't actually remember the immediate connection to him being an economist...when I started thinking of his population models as economics...tying it to money, profit, and the associated greed...a lot of things I was ready to dismiss became a lot more likely. This is especially true of a culture or government that (like the neocons) bases it's notions of virtue and advancement almost entirely around wealth (and power) production and acquisition.
I also began remembering a brief bit of our human history. Mostly in the US, but also around the world. Frankly, I don't see much in the history of our species that convinces me that our societies have a big problem with genocide...or at least massive kill offs.
Perhaps it is misdirected to use the term genocide, because we tend to think of that in terms of race, rather than portions of population. Although, I do believe that most major human kill-off efforts have used race as the main focal point, I begin to doubt that racial purity is the root issue...class and resource competition seem like an equally likely possibility in many cases. More on this in a minute. As the recent movie Hotel Rwanda so amazingly described...the conflict was between two artifically created divisions in the population (no thank you Belgium).
But lets look back, just over the last couple hundred years. We began acquiring this big land of ours via a pretty nasty little trick...on both coasts, on multiple occassions as I understand it, our soldiers distributed small pox blankets to the native population in order to "pacify" them. Nice side effect to that was...they were all dead and we got their land without much of a fight. If I remember my Claude Levi-Strauss right, this idea worked so well that it was repeated in this century in places like Brazil.
I've also read that we've experimented on our own people multiple times with disease...with no clear positive reason associated. Think about the Tuskegee study in 1932...
Or the open air testing in and around Dugway Utah..."sorry for your sheep and your children..we just wanted to figure *something* out"
We've used prisoners and patients to test LSD...McGill University seems to have lived that down finally...untill some ass like me brings it back up.
And shall we talk about the downwinders? (ok not technically a disease...just a willingness to let people die for a scientific experiment). A lot more claims of similar actions abound out on the net...can't speak for the veracity of all of them but seems like pages like this
http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/forum/thread1044-30.html are trying to catalogue them.
And that doesn't touch what we've been willing to do to each other as humans all over the world just in the last 100 years.
http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/dictat.htmlYou know...Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Amin, and dozens more...(don't forget to add the US in a few of those)
Reading these things and reflecting on them I really began to realize that it doesn't take a tinfoil hat to believe that we're not just capable but LIKELY to try and kill off members of the herd that become inconvenient. In fact, likely to do it en mass. And the more social policy becomes based on economic theory rather than virtue and justice...the more likely it is that we humans will accept the resulting carnage. We'll be able to reduce it or deny it or number ourselves to it, because, as Stalin sayd "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic."
We've proven time and time again that we don't have a problem killing off our brothers and sisters...especially if we can depersonalize him a bit by a name or a race or a class. If he's not productive to us...if he's easy to identify...if he's distant enough that it won't mess up our front yard...then if he has want we want...killing him in order to take it, appears to be deeply set in the fabric of our being. It cuts across cultures, because it has clearly happened in most eras and most cultures...in Asia, Europe, Africa...and YES...here in the Americas.
I'm terrified by these thoughts, because they make me much more likely to accept that WE...the Country I live in...are capable, at the highest levels, of consciously planning and executing these attrocities. Do I now believe that our government would effect a program to spread a disease that would kill off the poorest of the poor? I begin to wonder...how far is that from simply stripping away their medical access and sanitary living conditions? Maybe it doesn't even take a lab...just remove the social supports..pollute their environment...and the upper classes can protect themselves from the risk by buying organic food and paying their HMO bills. How are cancer rates in your area? Why is Erin Brockovich an underground hero to many?
So perhaps we have refined the process a bit...maybe we don't have to go to great lengths to engineer a new microbe...but then again how often do the powermongers leave much to chance? Why not do both and double your pleasure? Regardless, we have a thousand ways of spreading small pox blankets these days...some are missles, or assassinations, or the removal of economic supporters...the denial of aid or healthcare...
But in the end...it all begins, to me, to look like a pretty deliberate effort to cull the herd. To keep those who produce and help the profit working as the disposable units they are...and to cast off those that can't produce. Maybe we don't need to be as crude or as sciencefictiony (like my word?) as many speculate...but I think Malthus' economic principles are more consciously guiding the hands of our leaders than most would ever want to believe. And the result is the deliberate decision to enact policies that dehumanize and kill off people on massive scales.
Do I have some hope through all this? Yes. I cling to some. I believe that we can change the course of our murderous nature by rejecting economic calculations as the measure of a good society. I think we can, but it takes a lot of awareness. It takes first admitting what we are and have been doing. It takes people saying OMG, that's unacceptable. It takes the suffering moving from the TV screen into the living room so that people recognize that they are a part of the system that supports and advances it.
It takes a different kind of awareness. Maybe it begins here...with a thousand small voices on a place like DU. At least I hope so.