Edited on Sun Jun-05-05 01:42 PM by Snotcicles
First clear your mind of the 2004 campaign, clear your mind of his physical image, clear your mind of his personal financial matters. This crap is mind clutter. It is the life blood of the republican party. About half of our population has a limited amount of storage space in there mind. (self inflicted) So the more it is filled with clutter, what's for dinner? do I want a yellow Hummer or that,Dare Fuck With Me, black one? You know where I going with this, all the Shit disguised as Worth. Now a certain amount of Shit (in moderation) is good, it is fun, it's necessary because it's commerce. Our society has been transformed from one that used intellect, valor, generosity, kindness as the standards to distinguish ourselves from the other creatures here, to one that views those standards as unprofitable. As compared to our past when it comes to showing the world our greatness, we ain't makin it. Come on, would we put the likes of Hannity, Hume, Limbuagh, O'Reilly, Coulter on t.v. for the whole world see, say twenty years ago? yeah as a joke. But thats not good enough, to prove our sincerity we bring the world John Bolton, they have to be soiling there proverbial trousers as we speak. We Democrats seem to have been given an ability ( and man do we take it for granted or we assume everyone has it ) to smell a rat from a much greater distance then the more conservative of our population.( conservative is now some bullshit imaginary badge of honor con cocked to coral the herd) You see when the mind is brimming with clutter, labels work, bah dah bing. Christianity bah dah bing. Family values bah dah bing. The old school way of cutting through the clutter the method John Kerry prefers because it comes natural to him is telling people THE TRUTH. Bitchin concept ain't it? Although it's a slow acting method it's more intense and tends to have a greater impact. Hence all the awakenings and conversions here at DU lately and please don't get offended, I for one am glad to have you and encourage you to indulge. Freedom to think Liberally is like an aphrodisiac for the brain. I must warn some of you it is addictive,it can also cause one to feel guilt for past indiscretions. It's where you go from here that matters. One way to ease your pain is to get active in the progressive movement. It will become apparent when you self reflect. You will expand you capacity to love yourself and others. You will develop the ability to flush out things like that, Social Security Pot-o-Gold, mirage touted by the Bushco traveling tent revival, merely by looking at there flyer's posted at the Wal-Mart community BrotherCanYouSpareaDime bulletin board located in there stinking lobby. Being Liberal or being Democrat or being Progressive is not some club you join ( and if i can borrow a line from Napoleon Dynamite) because all the sweet clubs were taken. It's not an inferior group ( quit to the contrary) you have been key holed into by the our massive overwhelming propaganda industry. Which I might add has peaked and is on the downhill slide.
Now to my point. This week John Kerry is going to lob a rotten egg onto the Senate floor ( DSM ) and in my opinion it takes some huge balls to do this, to the likes I thought only Conyers and Boxer possessed. We the foot soldiers are responsible for calling out and calling attention to whom that egg sticks to. And to you president Kerry in my neighborhood I got your back covered and am glad to do it. I already have people geecked for the mayhem. This is going to be no easy task hardened wingers will ignore every fact, there willing to rewrite history if that is what it takes. We need to show the misguided an open door back into the America we all love. And make it clear the illusion is over. We need to stuff the multinational corporate greed machine back in it's box. and let the soul forsaken puppets know they have poked the wrong dog. On just about every issue that Kerry has voted on I agreed with now do I think he is cool? I don't Know. Do I think he is forceful enough? I don't Know. I know his debates, his public events, his messages were honest, I saw and heard his wife and kids and I like them, maybe his delivery could have been a little shinier but look what the hell he was up against. If we had that much money, that much free media time, that many pulpit pundits, that many diebold mis calculators, Hell we could have ran Flipper and won. We need to pick our candidate now! So we can get about fixing that whorehouse congress. The momentum is on our side and the people are fed up. It is perfectly clear here who is David and who is Goliath so some of us gather rocks and some of us make the slings but all of us keep our eyes on the prize.