Heard Representative Bobby Scott from Virginia on the radio the other day. He is such a well spoken, educated and honest person.
Anyway, he put the entire SS thing into a language that I could understand, and he makes a hell of a lot of sense.
When asked what the Democrats plan would be, he said (and I paraphrase); "look, right now the money to fix Social Security and make it solvent for as far as the eye can see is already on the table". "The shortfall in the Social Security Trust Fund is $4 trillion." "That is what we need to come up with to be able to pay 100% of guaranteed benefits in 2042". "The Presidents own proposed budget, currently on the table contains $11 trillion in tax cuts". "Now, if from the $11 trillion tax cuts, we can't come up with the money to save Social Security, there is something terribly wrong".
He made several other great points about Social Security, and * failed plan. But, this to me put it in the clearest terms I have ever heard. It made me think that Americans make these same choices all the time. You look at the money you have on the table. Say, for example, you've got $25K "on the table" to pay for your childs education...but, you want a new car. See, the money is already "on the table" to save Social Security, we just need to make the right decision on using it.