Edited on Mon Jun-06-05 12:01 PM by truebrit71
..completely bloody useless....
I know that this is not new news to anyone here, or anyone with a half-functioning brain, but the more I look at it, the more apparent it becomes that the media in this country is totally out to lunch.
I don't care about Michael Jackson, I don't give a toss if Russell Crowe or Christian Slater got pinched and I REALLY don't give a flying fuck who Angelina Jolie is banging if it isn't me...
I made the heinous error of watching the CBS morning show last week on a day that multiple car bombs went off in Iraq, numerous civilians got wasted and some more G.I.'s bought the farm, and do you know what the lead story was? Yup, Michael fucking Jackson. So I figures, okay maybe because it's getting close to frying that mother-effer I can forgive them, surely Iraq will be the second story...Was it fuck. Nope, the runaway bride and her plea-bargain came in second, look honey, if you don't want to marry him, DON'T FUCKING MARRY HIM BUT GET OFF MY T.V. SCREEN!!!
So I says to myself, Iraq will SURELY be the third story this morning now that those two monumentally important and world-shaping events have been covered ad nauseum, but I was wrong again...it seems that some young, blonde, attractive white female got herself "lost" in Aruba, and that story required no less than three separate reports...
When was Iraq covered?
Fourth. Right before the commercial break. It was an in depth report though...it almost lasted fifteen seconds...
Okay, so now the chicken and the egg question...are the American television audience as dumb as a bag of hammers because the MSM spoon feeds them nothing but mindless shit, or is the MSM spoon-feeding soul-destroying shit to the masses because the American television viewing audience couldn't collectively find their arses with a map and directions?
You tell me because I'm buggered if I know...
Got to go, someone else who didn't win American Idol but DID manage to nail Paula Abdul is coming up.....
...here endeth the rant....