If ever there was an opportune time to take up the battle, join hands, show firm solidarity, patriotism, and the true depth and strength of an open democratic society, now is the time.
If you haven't already, please sign John Conyers letter regarding the Downing Street minutes.
A charismatic young senator gave an outstanding speech several months ago mentioning an "Audacity of Hope", and today I am feeling that hope surge through my soul. It is time to have our voices heard, and speak the unmentionable - it is time for George W. Bush to be impeached for treason and war crimes. And we do so, not because the war is going badly for America, but because he chose to wage that war against all reason, against prevailing intelligence that spoke of THIN, WEAK, and SUSPECT evidence of Hussein's wrongdoing. He chose to wage a war of aggression because he wanted to, not because he had to, not because it was the last available option. John Bolton's recent relevation regarding the firing of an employee who was trying to send a chemical weapons inspector INTO Iraq only further proves my point.
Now is the time for America to show the world her true colors, her true strength, her true ideals, her true morality. Bush has got to go. NOW.
I feel it as a growing undercurrent of dissent. Spokespersons are bravely calling him a liar. The "I" word is no longer whispered in breathless fantasy. It is real. Senator Clinton was right - it is time to grow spines, and yell it long, hard, clear and loud. Bush deliberately lied to force the nation into war, an unneccessary war, a costly war, an illegal war. Print and distribute flyers. Tell all who would listen - and especially those who don't want to. Never give up.