Albert Gore is saying it pretty straight out lately too, it's time to tell the people in America the truth and if our guys can't rally and speak up now and stick together, stick a fork in the American dream, because the party's over, end of story!
Some of our own guys are STILL trying to act like GOPer light and that foolishness went over with the voters in 2004, just about like a screen door on a submarine, and Guys like Rose Garden democrat, Tom Daschle of South Dakota were in for a rude awakening. Kissing dumbya on the cheek and posing for all those touchy feely PR photos with the national numbskull, didn't get Mr. Daschle anywhere but the unemployment line in, 04!
People in this country are getting tired of the invertebrates and yes men in Washington, who can't seem to wean themselves from the corporate teat and uphold the constitution. The representatives all swore on the good book, to the American taxpayers, that they would protect and defend the Constitution and instead they worry MORE about their political IMAGE and their bank accounts!
The appeasers are all into the corporate piggy bank, way too deep to ever rock the boat, or to speak any ill of the new system of corporate fascism that has quickly but surely, taken hold of America like an out of control cancer! This corporate cancer has now metastasized into every vital organ of our federal government, and our guys are still worried about looking good at all times for the cameras or who might be president in 2008, of a burned out and bankrupt American Reich.
Lipstick on a frightened herd of vain corporate piggys won't win the votes anymore I'm afraid, in the modern democratic grass roots party, that Howard Dean helped to get kick started in 2003-04!
America has changed hands and gone from "By the People and FOR the People," to By The Lobbyists and FOR the Lobbyists. We need to change that ASAP. I believe Dean is on the right track. The GOPers are going to keep piling it on until someone rocks the boat! It's time for some DEFENSE and some teamwork, not a beauty contest and another helping of slop at the corporate Hog Trough!