CSPAN Schedule
Tuesday June 7 CSPAN Journal starts at 7AM eastern, so you (esp west coasters) may wish to submit questions via website -
http://www.c-span.org/community/submitwj.asp""Ask the C-SPAN Guests" on Washington Journal. Please review the program schedule with guest information before submitting your questions. NOTE: Please keep your questions short, directed to a particular guest & without commentary. Submissions that do not follow these rules may be discarded."
....or call:
support Democrats 202-737-0002
support bush 202-737-0001
others 202-737-0205 OR
Washington Journal: Democrats (202) 585-3881
Washington Journal: Republicans (202) 585-3880
Washington Journal: Others (202) 585-3882
*************************************************************** ***************************************************************07:00 AM EDT
0:30 (est.) LIVE
Open Phones
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
07:30 AM EDT
0:30 (est.) LIVE
Judicial Nominations Debate
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Ted Goldman , Legal Times
08:00 AM EDT
0:30 (est.) LIVE
Air Force Leasing Program
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Charles Pope , Seattle Post-Intelligencer
08:30 AM EDT
0:45 (est.) LIVE
Social Security Reform Proposals
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Charles W. Stenholm , D-TX
Timothy J. Penny , D-MN
09:15 AM EDT
0:45 (est.) LIVE
Efforts to Combat Terrorism
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Jean-Charles Brisard
10:00 AM EDT
2:00 (est.) LIVE
Senate Committee
Iraq Ambassador Nomination
Foreign Relations
Joseph R. Biden Jr., D-DE
Richard G. Lugar , R-IN
The beginning and end of this live program may be earlier or later than the scheduled times.
01:10 PM EDT
0:35 (est.) LIVE
Telecommunications Issues
Washington Metropolitan Cable Club
Kyle E. McSlarrow , National Cable and Telecommunications Association
The beginning and end of this live program may be earlier or later than the scheduled times.
02:00 PM EDT
1:00 (est.) LIVE
House Proceeding
House Session
U.S. House of Representatives
The beginning and end of this live program may be earlier or later than the scheduled times.
06:30 PM EDT
1:30 (est.) LIVE
House Proceeding
House Session
U.S. House of Representatives
*************************************************************** ***************************************************************09:30 AM EDT
3:00 (est.) LIVE
Senate Proceeding
Senate Session
U.S. Senate
The beginning and end of this live program may be earlier or later than the scheduled times.
02:45 PM EDT
5:15 (est.) LIVE
Senate Proceeding
Senate Session
U.S. Senate
*************************************************************** ***************************************************************07:53 AM EDT
0:59 (est.)
Media Portrayals of Latinos
Close Up Foundation
Dorothy Gilliam , Washington Post
John Milewski , Close Up Foundation
08:53 AM EDT
1:06 (est.)
Place Left Unfinished at the Time of Creation
Left Bank Books
John Phillip Santos
Michelle Albrecht , Left Bank Books
09:30 AM EDT
2:30 (est.) LIVE
Senate Committee
Central America Free Trade
Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
Tom Harkin , D-IA
J. B. Penn , Department of Agriculture
The beginning and end of this live program may be earlier or later than the scheduled times.
02:00 PM EDT
2:00 (est.) LIVE
House Committee
Defense Department Property Management
Government Reform, National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations
Christopher Shays , R-CT
Keith Rhodes , Government Accountability Office
The beginning and end of this live program may be earlier or later than the scheduled times.
04:45 PM EDT
0:30 (est.) LIVE
U.S.-U.K. Relations
White House
Tony Blair , Labour, United Kingdom
George W. Bush , United States