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Darfur Calendar – updated June 7th, 2005

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applegrove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-07-05 07:06 AM
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Darfur Calendar – updated June 7th, 2005
Edited on Tue Jun-07-05 07:09 AM by applegrove

Darfur Calendar

– updated June 7th, 2005

Washington, DC - * Weekly

Every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30PM
A Sudan Speak Out and Vigil
Lafayette Park

This event is being organized by Africa Action 202 546 7961

St. Louis, MO - June 9, 2005

7:30 PM (2 hrs)
Photo Exhibit in St. Louis, MO
STOP THE SLAUGHTER IN DARFUR Featuring- -Amnesty International Country Specialist Scott Edwards -Sudan/Darfur Photo Exhibit

For more details see the calendar at

Washington, DC - June 10, 2005

Darfur Event at Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC by genocideinterv - Time: 12:00 2005-06-10 | Duration: 1 h
Standing Shoulder to Shoulder: Holocaust Survivor Nesse Godin speaks out for the people of; event is free and open to the public; located at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl., SW, Washington, DC, 20024. Metro: Smithsonian; Please RSVP to COCRSVP@USHMM.ORG; for more information visit
For more information on the original calendar post go to the genocide intervention fund at:

Abuja - June 10, 2005

NIGERIA-SUDAN: Darfur PEACE TALKS set to resume in Abuja on 10 June

Houston, TX – June 11th, 2005

GIF Fundraiser (Genocide Interventions Fund) genocideinterv - FULL DAY 2005-06-11 | Fundraising cookout for GIF at Community of Christ Fairbanks Congregation in Houston, TX; for more information contact Kathy at

June 11th & June 12th

National event being organized by Darfurian exiles.

Arlington Heights, IL - June 12, 2006

At 3:30 pm. Informal dinner to follow
Planning Meeting and request for volunteers. We will set goals and plan activities for the year. At 630 West Campbell Street. Event planned by the Chicago Alliance to End Genocide

Martha Cook

Pick this day for an event - June 12th, 2005

World Food Program (WFP) Events the World over – Walks. Get involved and find out how you can organize! The walks are organized to raise funds to support WFP’s global school feeding programme. In 2004 approximately 72 countries participated in the walk and generated nearly US$ 1 million for WFP’s school feeding programme. raised approximately US$ 12,000 which was used to assist school feeding programme in Sarguja district in Chattisgarh. In India there are over 40 million children in the age-group 6-14 who are not even enrolled in schools.

This year this event will be held on 12th June 2005 and the walk will take place in New Delhi and Bangalore.

For any additional information, please contact Raman Iyer on 9811822377 or email

Deerfield, IL – June 12, 2005

Run/Walk for Darfur at Deerfield High School by genocideinterv - 8:30 2005-06-12 | Duration: 1 h
Run/Walk for Darfur; donations ear-marked for refugee relief efforts; for more information contact Nikoletta at 224-632-3296 or
For more information on the original calendar post go to the genocide intervention fund at:

Arlington, VA - June 14, 2005

11:45am African Immigrants and US Policy towards Africa
This is a panel organized by Africa Action to explore the multiple ways in which Africa immigrants can influence U.S. policy towards the continent. This discussion will be part of the ECDC conference on Africans in America. For further information, please visit Participants will include:Akenji Ndumi, Africa Action; Emira Woods, Foreign Policy in Focus; Molaji Aluko, Nigerian Democratic Movement
At: Marriot Crystal City Hotel, 1999 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA
Contact: Akenji Ndumu 202-546 7961
Or see Africa Action for the latest schedule of events:

Washington, DC - June 14, 2005

Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Survey of Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Key Findings and Recommendations (Not on Darfur per se but about the whole region including Iraq).At Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC. Put on by Woodrow Wilson Center & Freedom House.

To confirm time and place, contact Maria-Stella Gatzoulis on the day of the event: tel. (202) 691-4140.

Check their page for the latest updates and notices. /

Washington DC – June 15, 2005

Darfur event at the Holocaust Memorial Museum by genocideinterv- 3:30 2005-06-15 | Duration: 1 h
Darfur Briefing: Current Situation and Policy: A panel discussion with John Heffernan, Physicians for Human Rights, and Jemera Rone, Human Rights Watch; moderated by Jerry Fowler, Committee on Conscience; event is free and open to the public at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl., SW, Washington, DC, 20024; Metro: Smithsonian; Please RSVP to COCRSVP@USHMM.ORG; for more information visit
For more information on the original calendar post go to the genocide intervention fund at:

All – Nationwide - June 20, 2005

World Refugee Day
UNHCR To find out about events in your area or to plan one go to: /.

Philadelphia, PA - June 20, 2005

Dinner, Panel Discussion & slide show.
Directions: 3420 Sansom Street Near the U of Penn in West Philly... Sansom St. is between Walnut & Chestnut Streets..between 34th & 35th Sts. Presentation by Dr. Jerry Ehrlich; Dr. Ibrahim Imam; Stephanie Nyombayire; Rev. Isaac Miller – (the rector of The Church of the Advocate and a founding member of The Darfur Alert! Coalition). Table Talks at 6 PM include a three course dinner, followed by the speakers and discussion from 7:30 – 9 PM. $38/person includes tax and gratuity. reservations with advance payment (its complicated – go to the site below)

For more details see the calendar at

Washington, DC – June 23, 2005

Darfur Event at the Holocaust Memorial Museum by genocideinterv- 12:00 2005-06-23 | Duration: 1 h
Meet mtvU's Correspondents: Swarthmore's Stephanie Nyombayire and Georgetown's Nate Wright interviewed Darfurian refugee children in Chad; event being held at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC; event is free and open to the public at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl., SW, Washington, DC , 20024; Metro: Smithsonian; Please RSVP to COCRSVP@USHMM.ORG; for more information visit

All – Nationwide - June 26, 2005

Contact Amnesty to find out about the events nearest you
Amnesty International /

New York City, NY - June 26, 2005

Time: 10:00 to afternoon.
Please join the New York City Jewish community in an afternoon dedicated to raising funds for Emergency Relief in Darfur, Sudan, discussing strategies for activism, and reflecting on Jewish issues raised by the ongoing crisis. The initiating sponsors of the event are the American Jewish World Service, Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, and Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. All funds raised will benefit the American Jewish World Service's Sudan Emergency Appeal.

Additional details will follow. Inquiries about volunteer and co-sponsorship opportunities should be directed to Barak Epstein at

For more details see the calendar at

New York, NY - June 27

9:45 am - 11:45 am
New York, NY: A World Refugee Day Commemoration, Portraits of Suffering and Courage: Lifting Up Sudan. The Rt. Rev. Catherine Waynick, Bishop of Indianapolis and John Prendergast, Special Advisor to the President of the International Crisis Group and former Clinton Administration Advisor on Africa. The Episcopal Church Center, 815 Second Avenue, between 43rd and 44th Streets.

For more information, call 212-716-6057 or send email to .

To see original post:

Washington, DC – June 28, 2005

Darfur event at the Holocaust Memorial Museum by genocideinterv - 3:30 2005-06-28 | Duration: 1 h
Lecture: Remembering Rwanda: Did We Learn Anything? Event is free and open to the public at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl., SW, Washington, DC , 20024. Metro: Smithsonian; Please RSVP to COCRSVP@USHMM.ORG; For more information visit
For more information on the original calendar post go to the genocide intervention fund at:

Perthshire, Scotland - July 6th to 8th

As the current President of the G8, the UK hosts the G8 Summit at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire, Scotland

Minneapolis, Minnesota - Tuesday, July 12, 2005

7:30 - 8:30 a.m. or 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. (not specific to Sudan)
Border Crossings: a one-hour introduction to the work of ARC
Nearly 35 million people around the world have been displaced by civil conflict. Learn how ARC is making a difference in the lives of these vulnerable people.

ARC World Headquarters
430 Oak Grove Street, Suite 204
Minneapolis, Minnesota

To reserve a seat, call (612) 872-7060.

If you are in the Chicago area, please contact Judi Burnison at or (312) 552-3753 to arrange a personalized introduction to the American Refugee Committee.

Washington D.C. – July 21, 2005

"Anniversary of Inaction" by genocideinterv FULL DAY
More details to come; for more information contact Cara at


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applegrove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-07-05 07:13 AM
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1. Darfur Daily News: June 06, 2005 - link:
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