in Iraq?
Everyday I hear about "suspected insurgents" being detained in various raids etc. I can't seem to find any estimates for how many people we have snatched off of the streets of Iraqi cities and rounded up in the villages.
I do know one thing. Every time I hear such reports, my first question is , "Is there any chance those folks really ARE involved in the insurgency? Or have we just screwed them?" The next question I ask myself is, "Now that we have grabbed those folks, how many of their friends and family will take up the fight against the occupation?"
I am pretty sure (in my gut anyway) that rather than making the situation over there better, these policies just deepen the quagmire every day.
We really must get the fuck out and let these people settle their situation. Our continued presence is an impediment to peace not the other way around.
Anyone have any numbers on this? How many Iraqis have entered the us military "gulags"?