Just spoke to Dad in NY and he mentioned this; note last sentence.
Newsday LTTE-Long Island, NY
June 7, 2005
From war to gasoline prices, Bush has some explaining to do
Thanks to Newsday columnist James P. Pinkerton for exposing the ugly audacity of President George W. Bush <"Bush's new 'history' demeans our past," Opinion, May 27>. In order to justify the chaos and endless casualties brought about by his misadventure in Iraq, President Bush has compared it with the "years of chaos" following the American Revolution.
Pinkerton does a masterful job demolishing this specious comparison.
Judging from our administration's actions, it seems that historical revisionism has become the modus operandi of Bush's presidency.
The president's attempts to destroy the legacy of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal leads him to distort the facts surrounding the Yalta agreement. He hopes to diminish the leadership of a "real" war president in the "good war" - one in which his father served heroically.
And despite the poor reception his proposal has gotten in the polls, he insists on promoting his idea of private retirement accounts, which in effect would destroy Social Security - the most lasting legacy of FDR's New Deal.
As the casualties in Iraq rise daily, there is new evidence of the lies that sent our brave soldiers and Marines to their graves. The newly released classified British memo reveals that President George W. Bush made the decision in the summer of 2002 to overthrow Saddam Hussein and that his administration would "fix" the intelligence data to support this policy. He did this while "assuring" the American people, prior to the November midterm election, that war would be a last resort.
This president will stop at nothing to justify his illegal invasion of a nation that had no weapons of mass destruction, no connection to the horror of 9/11 and was no immediate threat to us. This is truly an impeachable offense.
xxxxxxxxx Oceanside