We were driving uptown when we heard on NPR the Supreme Court ruling that cruise ships in American waters (regardless of their country of origin) must honor parts of the ADA (American's with Disabilities Act), such as charging customers equal fares.
Hubby went off. He started ranting ala Lewis Black about the Supreme Court's fucked up priorities- those ill, perhaps dying, and in pain citizens of this country can now be assured low priced cruise tickets but HEAVEN FORBID we allow them an iota of marijuana to alleviate their suffering.
Then he screamed- "just stick them on a beach and give them a joint, damnit- they'll be much happier than if they were in a cramped cabin with diseased air recirculatin through it"
He was in fine form. Now of course we both understand that ADA is a great thing, don't get me wrong. But as a cancer survivor Hubby knows the true value of medical marijuana first hand.
That's all!