Ours--> Democrats win a battle in Congress over the Republican majority... Downing Street Memo... HotTub Tom Delay... Bush's Approval Numbers, America is finally waking up... Bush's performance on Social Security, Americans are on the side of Democrats... Bush's performance on Stem Cell Research...
The Rights--> Kerry was just as dumb as Bush in College... Dean said something that only Republicans think is inappropriate... Some neo-con wrote another book attacking Hillary... Somebody figured out how to blame Clinton for something that Bush did... The liberal media wrote a truthful story that the right has figured out how to discredit... George Bush signs a law to tax the poor or destroy the earth...
My point is that our good news is based on fact and actual policy. They get good news when a liberal, or so-called liberal, is made fun of or "discredited". Most of what they get excited about is ever based on truth, facts, or policy.