"oofta -intolerant"? The so called taboo you mentioned, is the parade trumpting anthem of the democratic party. The rest of that paragraph is meaningless rhetoric. Who hasn't promised to send Bush back to Texas? Everybody and their grandmother that slightly associates themselves with the democratic party has promised to send Bush back to Texas.
Dean is a centrist, his record speaks volumes on that account. He's being painted as an extremist and that ever so shameful word liberal, so that progressives will be taken in and actually nominate him to run against Bush. Simultaneously, the major media is marginalizing Kucinich by not giving him proper air time for his views. The corporate controlled media that is in bed with the government and status quo of things as long as they get their interests met, which are primarily (although not solely) profit driven, and the administration know that Dean can be torn apart on many issues that he would try to take Bush on against. In addition to this, Dean is known for not holding true to what he tells his constituency. Which will lead me into a few points that I will bring up at the end...
But first, you're wrong about being hated frankly. We're not hated, we're ignored...the progressive/liberal community is treated like it doesn't even exist, even by most dems. It's been that way for far too long. I personally don't like the term "liberal" because I feel like it's become one of these hollow terms like democrat and republican...very few things in reality divide the party solidly...because members of each one cover a wide range of views. Most of these views are still far from promoting values that most Americans believe in, like equality and justice.
I mean after all, these notions are just SOOOO antiquated. Remember the huge protests against the Iraq war BEFORE it happened? Bush just went on vacation....there were barely any public statements by the White House even acknowledging the protests that were happening around the country and throughout the world. Kucinich is being ignored by the major media outlets in the very same fashion. Just like most of our sound arguements are ignored. And for one reason only, because when we have expressed our arguement eloquently and exhaustively, the points we've made cannot be refuted. Kucinich is more vocal on coporate greed than Dean is, and Kucinich has mentioned more aggressive measures that he will take for such things.
Kucinich will rewrite free trade agreements that will promote a living wage, universal worker's rights around the globe, and improved environmental standards, I don't recall Dean saying he'll do that. Kucinich supports universal health care, Dean...an ex-physician who SHOULD know better than anyone that a quality universal health care system is what is needed in this country, with ever skyrocketing insurance premiums and companies dropping coverage illegaly forcing millions and millions to go without health coverage. Kucinich will cut the bloated Pentagon budget and start a department of peace. Nobody else is saying they'll do that. Not only on these issues, but on many more Kucinich beats Dean hands down. Kucinich is the only candidate that said he'll say no to the 87 billion Georgy Peorgy wants to continue the boondoggle in Iraq. Here are a couple links that will clarify where Kucinich stands on issues compared to other candidates.
whichway and
comparisonExcept for Kucinich, all the other democratic presidential candidates are like Bush Light...they all agree with Bush on one thing or another. Granted they vary in how they are a Bush Light, but there is no mistaking that that's what they are. And this is exactly why none of them, outside of Dennis, stands a chance. When the people are given a Bush Light vs. Original Bush, they'll pick the original because at least we know the contemptable acts to expect from this guy. It's a simple case of the devil you know. The only thing that stops somebody from being "electable" is VOTING for them. As soon as all the rational, concerned citizens out there (which I'm going to assume for the time being that most people here are) stop choosing the
lesser of two evils and start voting for the best candidate, the
only candidate that has a consistent record of standing up for people's rights even at personal cost to himself. Anybody out there that knows Dennis's history as mayor of Cleveland know exactly what I'm referring to. Dennis would tear Bush apart in a debate, no doubt about it, he has the philosophical convictions and record that will back him up while he rips into him. He also provides the MOST optimistic outlook for this country, something that anybody going against Bush has to convey, something Dennis does better than anybody else in the race right now. If we as the progressive community, had applied the same force behind Nader, he in theory would've been elected, or at the very least, thrusted third party politics onto the stage like never before seen in recent history of this country. I personally believe that Nader probably got the popular votes needed to qualify for federal matching funds but that both parties ensured that this tally would never see the light of day. A third party qualifying for federal matching funds?! THE HORROR! ;-)
So for all the Dean supporters out there, I have a very important question to ask you, comparing Kucinich to Dean, justify why you believe Dean's stance on issues is better, point by point on issue by issue. I want a constructive dialogue, don't flame me, because I won't respond, I haven't attacked you. If you fail to take up my challenge, you only prove that my arguement is superior by default. But if we do start a constructive dialogue then perhaps we can come to understand eachother. I know I can justify the issues that I support Dennis on and will happily do so, but first, I need to see the same from any Dean supporters.