Edited on Thu Jun-09-05 01:08 AM by Sparkly
Why are Freepers are so fascinated with DU? Why are they forever parroting rightwing scripts? Why can they even appear to be intelligent, but still ignore facts, revise history, and spout nonsensical and disproven theories and propaganda?
Here's my observation, based on past years of arguing with such people on AOL boards:
It's not that they're all idiots, because even idiots can see what's going on regarding Iraq, the economy, jobs, Social Security, the military, etc... It's that they're afraid.
They're afraid of letting go of a status quo that never really existed.
They're afraid that giving equality to others will take something away from them.
They're afraid of losing their desperate hold on a fictitious 1950s Ozzie & Harriet scenario the rightwing preaches to them and has them longing for, as if it were a "return" to something. They imagine an America when everybody was white, safe, Christian, and financially fine, with the men in charge and earning all the money.
Everything was wonderful back then, in their fantasy America. No drugs! No crime! No abortion! No welfare! No taxes! No atheists! No teen pregnancies! No upsetting music! No gays! Just white Christian suburbia as far as the eye could see, raising their flags and praising their God.
But then, the tale goes, along came the Wicked Liberals in the 1960s. Sex, drugs, rock 'n roll! Crime! Black Panthers, Gray Panthers, Feminists, and Peaceniks (the veterans among them don't count as veterans). Never before, they insist, was any such thing seen in this country, and it's the cause of EVERY problem in America today!
If ONLY they could get back to that 1950s fantasy -- and only the damn Liberals are standing in the way!
So that's their skewed belief system, and when any news interferes with it, they experience a cognitive dissonance that makes them nervous. ("Huh? We're spending what? The tax cuts only benefit the wealthy? Kerry was a hero? Bush skipped duty? There's a memo?")
They anxiously await the scripts to provide their excuses, and happily parrot them when they arrive. ("Oh, that. We're not spending much really, compared with GDP. Tax cuts always increase revenues. Kerry faked his wounds. Dan Rather's documents were fake. The memo is just somebody's notes. Anything else is Clinton's fault.")
They will grab onto ANYthing BushCo feeds them to support the beliefs they desperately need to hang onto, and they are fed daily. They don't want the truth, they want to avoid the truth. They want the "security" of their fictitious America, and feel they have something to guard in that -- being white, or men, or Christians, or hetero, or whatever.
Anything rattling that glass cage threatens what they believe is "The Real America."
THAT is the "security" they are afraid of losing.