With all the "librul" media attention being paid to some rather "unflattering" comments Howard Dean recently made about Republicans, I did a little research using our friend "google".
Trust me, it didn't take me very long to compile these from some RNC Chairman, and other Republican surrogates. I "googled" RNC derogatory comments about Democrats and initially got over 20,000 hits. Then I "googled" Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity comments on Democrats and I think the computer is still working to compile them all. In any event, here are some for you to enjoy and ponder.
I plan to send the links and the comments to CNN and MSNBC, but I would not hold my breath to see these covered anywhere.
Perhaps they're right. Perhaps there is a "librul" media bias. I mean why else would they be spending so much time highlighting the comments of Howard Dean, a man not running for any public office. Just a typical example of the "librul" media giving free air-time to liberals, while ignoring Republicans. :eyes:
I've included some of my own bolding.
RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie issued the following comment
http://www.rnc.org/News/Read.aspx?ID=4269"John Kerry forgot he voted for the Patriot Act and No Child Left Behind. Al Gore
forgot he was Vice President when
Osama Bin Laden declared war on the United States five separate times and when terrorists killed Americans. Now George Soros can't remember what he said yesterday," said RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie.
angry Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy,
terrorists and militia aren't responsible for the
deaths of U.S. soldiers, their commander-in-chief is. And our servicemen and women, in putting torture chambers 'under U.S. management,' are no different than a regime that systematically tortured, raped and killed its own people.
The San Francisco/Boston Democrats led by
John Kerry have now adopted
Blame America First as their official policy."
http://www.allamericanpatriots.com/m-news+article+storyid-565.htmlWe cannot allow presidential candidates or their surrogates to become mouthpieces for terrorists. Blaming freedom-loving people for these attacks is not the way to defeat the scourge of global terror.
“Howard Dean said a number of untrue and irresponsible things during the course of his candidacy, including accusing the President of knowing about the 9-11 attacks before they happened.
Those who seek the highest office in the land and those who speak on their behalf have a responsibility not to
repeat the threats made by the terrorists we are working to defeat or by replacing the facts with rumors and fiction.”
http://www.rnc.org/RNCResearch/read.aspx?ID=3180"With the 2004 Democrat presidential primary underway, Al Gore reminded voters today of two very important things. First, that Democrats won't rule out raising taxes to spend more of people's hard earned money and second that
he is still willing to say or do anything to get elected."http://www.newshounds.us/2004/10/28/rnc_democrats_encourage_voter_fraud.phpDemocrats appear to be setting the stage to use the new provisional balloting rules to
convert registration fraud into vote fraud, with the possibility of
Kerry supporters voting in multiple jurisdictions or under multiple nameshttp://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/08/30/gop.purple.hearts/FYI "Librul" Media. The below occurred at the OFFICIAL Republican Convention!!
Delegates to the Republican National Convention found a new way to take a jab at Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's Vietnam service record: by sporting
adhesive bandages with small purple hearts on them.Here's a few choice one's from Rush Limbaugh.
http://scoobiedavis.blogspot.com/2004_03_01_scoobiedavis_archive.htmlJust a few minutes ago, Rush Limbaugh on
Democrats: “They celebrate in private the attack in Spain.”Just a few minutes ago on Limbaugh's show:
They aren’t even the Democrats of JFK. They are the Democrats of Timothy Leary. They’re the Democrats of the anti-war movements of the 1960’s. Nobody’s said this, folks, but in John Kerry and Bill Clinton before him, the Democrats have nominated two huge anti-war radicals. Obviously, Clinton was a draft-dodger. Kerry was one of the moist radical and vocal anti-war activists that we’ve had. Clinton did next to nothing about terrorism on his watch; Kerry won’t either. They’re going to bow down to the
demands of the European socialists who supported their anti-war activities in the 1960’s. These elitists who have a skepticism of the difference between good and evil. Later, Limbaugh attacked John Kerry as un-American:
I don’t understand un-Americanism. I don’t understand the Kerrys of the world—and
all the Democrats who want us to fail. I don’t understand the people who live—who were born and bred in this country, who grew up in this country—I don’t understand these people who do not believe in the greatness of this country—who think there are greater places in the world than this country. I don’t understand these people who think that we are the original sin of the world. I don’t understand it. Intellectually, I don’t understand. I know who they are; I know what they believe. But I can’t relate. I can’t possibly understand
someone who hates this country who was born and raised here. . .I don’t understand what it is about this country that people distrust and do not like--and I'm talking about you liberals and you 60's Democrats in this country.
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/weekend_sites/week_in_review_061404___061804/content/thursday_quotes.guest.html"The Democrats would willingly lose this war if it would get rid of Bush. I do not jest here. They're not about winning this war. They don't even think the war is justified. They don't the war should be happening."
http://mediamatters.org/items/200506030003Limbaugh: Making Election Day a holiday won't help Dems because
"most of their voters don't work anyway"http://mediamatters.org/items/200506010003Citing Horowitz, Limbaugh claimed
Democrats, terrorists share anti-American agendaand here is from a review of Hannity's book. You know the one where he really "doesn't equate" Democrats with evil. "I Report, You Decide"
http://www.conservativegroundswell.com/index/weblog/comments/deliver-us-from-democrats/Hannity says we face moral choices between good and evil every day. If we make excuses for evil—Hitler was a "madman," a pedophile priest was "weak" or, as philandering actor Ethan Hawke recently advised us,
Bill Clinton "suffered from" infidelity—soon we
cease being able to distinguish good from evil at all. (I would add to the excuses for evil, "It’s just about sex.") With each choice we make, large and small, we
take a step closer to the devil or a
step closer to God. The leaders of the modern
Democratic Party, Hannity says, have made excuses for evil for so long that they cannot recognize evil anymore. The closest thing to it in their vocabulary would be "someone who wears fur." And of course, they recognize evil in the person of "George W. Bush," whom they see as the very essence of evil. In fact, Bush may be the only force of evil in the world liberals haven’t wanted to appease.