Last month, the Times of London printed "smoking gun" evidence that long before the invasion of Iraq the Bush administration was determined to go to war, intentionally distorting intelligence, and lying to the American people.
The proof comes from the classified minutes of a British cabinet meeting, referred to as the "Downing Street Memo." So far President Bush has refused to explain or directly respond to the memo, but pressure is mounting daily from Congress and the public. This week Tony Blair visited Washington and the press finally started asking the obvious questions—creating a critical opportunity to turn up the heat.
One Congressman, John Conyers of Michigan, has started a citizens petition—demanding that Bush directly respond to the evidence of deception contained in the Downing Street Memo. When half a million Americans sign, Rep. Conyers will personally deliver the signatures to the gates of the White House.
If we can reach 500,000 signatures today we can bring this scandal to light while the story is still hot. Please add your voice today:
The smoking gun memo quotes high level British officials during a July 23rd, 2002 cabinet meeting, discussing recent conversations with the Bush Administration on their decision to invade Iraq and the manipulation of intelligence to back it up.(sorry if this is a dupe)