From a recent speech by Bill Moyers:<snip> ...But I want to say, they're back, my friends. They're back in full force with a lock on all the three branches of government and most of the media and their goal is to take America back – back to their private garden of Eden in the first Gilded Age, when the strong took what they wanted and the weak suffer what they want. Look no further than today's news. Donaldson is out at the SEC. He was trying too hard to look out for the interests of shareholders in the public, so the president's big donors, the captains of industry and finance who manipulated the first Gilded Age cashed in their IOU's and Donaldson is out, replaced by a right wing Congressman who takes a dim view of shareholder suits and supports eliminating the estate tax, the dividend tax, and other taxes on the idle rich. Once again, they've sold the chicken coop to the fox.
So what do you do? What do you do? Well, progressives have to be like the Irishman who was walking down the street and saw a brawl and said, is this a private fight or can anybody get in it? Well, you've got to go home and jump in. You've got to tell the truth about the other side. You've got to fight the corruption of the system. But don't stop with reporting how bad they are. It's not enough to say how bad they are. Show us a new vision of globalization with a conscience. Stand up for working and middle class people and those in the middle and those who can't stand alone. Don't be cowed, intimidated, or frightened. You may be on the losing side of the moment, but you're on the right side and winning side of history.
And I remind you, history could come tomorrow. Have some fun while you fight. Americans are more likely to join the party that enjoys a party. Come to think of it, go out there and argue that working people should have more time off from the endless hours of tedious work that devours the soul and the long commutes that devastate families and community.
And one last bit of advice, don't forget your homework. I'm giving you some summer reading as it used to be said. My book next week comes out, as Bob says. But, more important than my book, I want you to read this book. It comes out in late July. It's called Thomas Paine and the Promise of America by a historian at the University of Wisconsin named Harvey J. Kaye. Thomas Paine was the journalist of the American revolution who called forth the better angels of our nature, who imbued us with our democratic impulse, and articulated our American identity with exceptional purpose and promise. It was Tom Paine who argued that America would afford an asylum for mankind, provide a model to the world, and support the global advance of republican democracy. This is tonic for flagging spirits facing great odds, for it is Thomas Paine who insists that it is too soon to write the history of the revolution. You, you, you, and you, and you, and you, and you Patty, and you, you're going to write the history of the revolution, and that is what's at stake.
Thank you.