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People Making History in Bolivia

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Beam Me Up Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-09-05 03:10 PM
Original message
People Making History in Bolivia
How long before WE will begin shaping our own destiny the way the brave people of Bolivia are doing? How long before WE confront and stop the corporate fascists masquerading as a legitimate and democratically elected government?

June 9, 2005
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

Narco News swarm coverage of Bolivia is now in full effect.
Up-to-the-minute reports are coming in every hour with the most
complete coverage anywhere of the Bolivian crisis - the "earthquake" as
Luis Gómez calls it in his latest report in the Narcosphere. The entire
Narco News team, including Irene Roca Cruz, Manuela Aldabe, Alex
Contreras, Gissel Gonzales, Jean Friedsky, Luis Gomez, and Al Giordano,
are working round the clock as long as these historic events take to
play themselves out. We are also translating breaking developments from
the Spanish language media that can't be found anywhere else in

In a report posted just minutes ago, Luis Gómez writes that, once
again, prospects are doubtful that the Congress will pull it together
and meet by the end of today, as planned. The meeting was to approve
President Mesa's resignation and finally break the suspense over
whether unpopular Senate President Hormando Vaca Diez, next in line for
the presidency, would accept the office. Gómez also reports:

"All the country's social leaders say the same thing: that Vaca Diez
and Mario Cossío (President of the Chamber of Deputies, Bolivia's lower
house of Congress) must go, that new elections must be called. The
mayors of the cities of La Paz, Cochabamba, Potosí and Sucre, together
with the representatives of a few organizations, have begun a hunger
strike to demand the same.

"The Armed Forces have set their position with respect to the
constitution, and asked that a solution to the crisis be found. They
now await orders, from whoever ends up as president, to 'pacify the
country.' On the one hand, this sounds like a threat (both to the
social movements and the seditious right wing in Santa Cruz), but on
the other, at least as the high military command expressed it, it
leaves one thing clear: the military is not with anyone, and will
follow orders no matter who is in charge of the government."

Gómez's entire report can be found here:

And don't forget to keep checking the Narcosphere for updates:

From somewhere in a country called América,

Dan Feder
Managing Editor
The Narco News Bulletin

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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-09-05 03:15 PM
Response to Original message
1. They have had a lot more experience overthrowing their governments
Edited on Thu Jun-09-05 03:16 PM by Cleita
than we have. Let's hope this one sticks. I don't recommend it. The incoming government usually isn't much better than the last one, when they settle into their roles.

We need to bring to trial all the liars in our government and convict them of the crimes they lied to cover up. Some elected official or group of officials are going to have to have the nads to do it.
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Sandpiper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-09-05 03:16 PM
Response to Original message
2. How long before the CIA and/or US Troops are in Bolivia
I whole-heartedly support the popular uprising in Bolivia.

I just wonder how long before the U.S. starts interfering on behalf of the oligarchy.
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Beam Me Up Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-09-05 03:20 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. I'm sure CIA are already there. As for military, this in this morning:


On what power is Vaca Diez counting on to prop him up in a civil war scenario?

Kind readers: A little more than a week ago, a very important news item almost slipped under radar.

In late May, in the nearby country of Paraguay, that nation’s Congress was convened in secret, after midnight, according to a May 31 report by the Argentine correspondent for the Mexican daily La Jornada. The reason: to rush through a law “that will permit United States troops to enter this South American country for 18 months, with immunity for all personnel that participate in activities of training and advising, including civilian personnel.”

Remember, kind readers, that under U.S. law, the number of North American troops who can be in nearby Colombia is limited to the hundreds: and they’re busy enough there already with a fifty-year civil war.

What Vaca Diez is attempting is nothing less than creating the justification for the U.S. military to invade his own country of Bolivia, perhaps to protect strategic oil supplies, perhaps to “strenthen democracy,” as Condoleezza Rice and George W. Bush harped about on Tuesday in Florida at the Organization of American States meeting, or perhaps in the name of the “war on drugs” and eradicating the humble coca leaf once and for all.

From the State Department to Sucre, they’ve all gone mad with power, and any bestiality is possible when Vaca Diez seizes control with his Doctrine of Authoritarian Government that seeks to blame tyranny on its victims.

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Beam Me Up Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-09-05 04:02 PM
Response to Original message
4. At least one kick
this board is moving fast today.
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