It felt so good to get this out of my chest.
"The lack of information from the Secret Service and the White House
and their unresponsiveness toward this matter gives the appearance of
either disinterest or a cover-up," the three wrote in a letter to
Secret Service Director Ralph Basham.",1299,DRMN_15_3844438,00.htmlThree civilians, who simply had bumperstickers disagreeing with the
war, were abused and manhandled by men claiming to be "Secret Service"
agents and flashing their badges. Since that time, NO media has even
covered the issue!! The lawsuit filed in court with Ken Salazar and
the defendants, has forced the White House to respond.
Their response? "We needed to shut down dissent. They would have been
disruptive." DISRUPTIVE??!????
I think that's the last straw. What they have demonstrated is a total
LACK of moral and ethics!!!!!! What we as people need to do, is GET
DISRUPTIVE!!!! Get in their face, and speak truth to power.
It's time Governor Dean, to stop rolling over and playing dead like
our great democratic leaders such as Joe Biden have been doing
This is censoring of free speech!!! By cronys for an absolutely
corrupt administration!!! How can any of us sit by here!??? Let's tell
it like it is for once!!!
PNAC lied to us, they lied to americans, they lied to the world about
our reasons for going to war.
http://www.afterdowningstreet.orgAll this time afterward, they are still lying to us. They are STILL
using the same fascist tendancies to squash our message!!!!
But when we the people, demand accountability to Bush and his
colleagues for their lies, and their abuse of prisoners in america and
the world abroad, we don't get answers. We get big huge WHITE
extremists in our face shutting down our hearings!!!!
"WASHINGTON (AP) - The Republican chairman walked off with the gavel,
leaving Democrats shouting into turned-off microphones at a raucous
hearing Friday on the Patriot Act.
The House Judiciary Committee hearing, with the two sides accusing
each other of being irresponsible and undemocratic, came as President
Bush was urging Congress to renew those sections of the post-Sept. 11
counterterrorism law set to expire in September.
Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., chairman of the panel, abruptly
gaveled the meeting to an end and walked out, followed by other
Republicans. Sensenbrenner declared that much of the testimony, which
veered into debate over the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, was
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., protested, raising his voice as his
microphone went off, came back on, and went off again.
``We are not besmirching the honor of the United States, we are trying
to uphold it,'' he said.
Democrats asked for the hearing, the 11th the committee has held on
the act since April, saying past hearings had been too slanted toward
witnesses who supported the law. The four witnesses were from groups,
including Amnesty International USA and the American Immigration
Lawyers Association, that have questioned the constitutionality of
some aspects of the act, which allows law enforcement greater
authority to investigate suspected terrorists. ",1280,-5066115,00.htmlJames F. Sensenbrenner isn't working for the people, he's working for
EXTREMISTS. And it's time we all, as a party, as america call him on
it!!!! Every action he has taken Chairman, has been to shut down
dissent and the court of public opinion.
He has willfully, at all crossroads, showed how much contempt he has
for democracy. He will not ever allow hearings again in his room,
that's how extremist this man is.
His latest policy was downright fascist. We as a public, can't allow
this to take place though, or else we're no better than a bunch of
slaves to a dictator's schedule!!!! It's time to wake up!!!
loud and clear, Chairman Dean.
Tell the republicans straight faced, James Sensenbrenner's abuse of
power was completely reflective of the extremist religious right and
completely out of touch with the AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!
Say, "His actions, show us that the republicans will go to every
length to ensure their fascist type agenda gets brought down. James
Sensenbrenner calls the public disruptors. But I think it's time he
steps down from his post, because the only one disrupting our leaders
from finishing serious hearings is him."
Say, "The republican party itself is full of religious white
extremists. We the people are not being represented anymore, and I
think it's time to change that and call it like it is. George Bush's
actions have shown contempt for free speech. What are we as a country
telling the world, when we throw out citizens from public events such
as seen in Colorado? What are we telling the world when we throw
people in jail for exercising their free speech? What is James
Sensenbrenner, or this radically out of touch party telling the world
when we pass legislation to mandate REAL ID acts, which disenfranchise
half of our working middle-class and low americans?
I'll tell you what it's telling the world. THAT WE'RE NO LONGER
FUNCTIONING AS A DEMOCRACY!! Let's prove them wrong right now, let's
speak truth to power, let's take our America back with no more
Thank you for sincerely listening Chairman, I hope you address this
incredible abuse of power.
Roger, Concerned Citizen of Utah