...The CATO Institute. (Neocon Think-Tank) They know exactly what they are doing: spreading propaganda that real hayseeds can glom onto.
Soap Box time:
I am an American.
I am ashamed of my fellow Americans who feel that the police are above the law.
I am ashamed of my fellow Americans who feel that our government is above the laws of the Geneva Convention.
I am ashamed of my fellow Americans who think any thing we do to our Prisoners Of War is fine and compare it as a favorable alternative to what the "Terrorists" are doing to their prisoners.
Those terrorists are committing crimes against humanity. They need to be brought to Justice. PERIOD! Where in the hell do you get off suggesting any of us "liberals" think different! America is not above the law just because we are fighting "Terrorists". Do you take pride in America stooping to the level of the criminals you so self rightiously despise in order to resolve our perceived problems? Is that how you were raised? Aren't you the ones saying Saddam needed to be taken down because of his Crimes Against Humanity! Now you condone us acting like that as well? You shame us all who still want to take pride in being an American.
rant over. Sorry, watching Washington Journal made me want to get that out for some reason.
Now then, back to those repug think tanks I mentioned earlier. I sense their evil mitts all over those incoming calls to C-Spin, (sorry C-SPAN, not your fault). Ever notice how they pump out a line for one repug to say then a few calls in another will say a similar version of the same thing. Next thing you know you will be hearing it damn near everywhere, its almost a chant, "Terrists... (angry look/or angry vocalls)...Cut Heads"!!! I swear I have heard versions of this on so many different channels in the last 24 hours. One of those neocon bastards used that line on that "House Hearing on the Patriot Act" yesterday. (What a delight that was to watch)(I'll post a link for those of you who might have missed it). I think this administration is coming apart at the seems. I am guessing about a third of those C-SPAN callers are from a republican think tank. They may be acting like stupid right wingers, but what they are really doing is the intentional spreading of propaganda. And a lot of good folks are falling for it. I have heard a lot of bad coming out of a lot of people lately, but I can not say I have met ANYONE who felt that we AMERICANS ARE ABOVE THE LAW. How many of those "Hay-Seeds" would like to brag about THAT on C-SPAN? Yeah, Thats what I thought! Shame on you repug spinmiesters, shame on you.
Here's that link I promissed earlier.
http://www.c-span.org/ then scroll down to "House Hearing on The Patriot Act Reauthorisation", grab some popcorn before you click it. (John Conyers fans, guess which one of our favorite Americans is there as well...):patriot: