Guess who said this and when:
Today, we are the most powerful nation on earth -- militarily, economically, by any measure. We are that rarity in history -- a trusted nation whose power is tempered by compassion, whose leadership is earned by example and whose foreign affairs will be guided by common interests and common sense. The world is watching to see if all this power and wealth is just for the well to do, the comfortable, the privileged. Or are we a nation that can make our dream real for all Americans, so that all share in what we have been given by a generous God. We must show to the rest of the world the beauty and potential of democracy.
The year was 2000. Colin Powell said this in his speech at the RNC convention in Philadelphia.
And for anyone upset about Dean's recent observation of the GOP, here's more of what Powell had to say in 2000:
The party must follow Governor Bush's lead and reach out to minority communities and particularly the African-American community -- and not just during an election year campaign. It must be a sustained effort. It must be every day. It must be for real.
The party must listen to and speak with all leaders of the Black community, regardless of political affiliation or philosophy.
We must understand the cynicism that exists in the black community. The kind of cynicism that is created when, for example, some in our party miss no opportunity to roundly and loudly condemn affirmative action that helped a few thousand Black kids get an education, but hardly a whimper is heard from them over affirmative action for lobbyists who load our federal tax codes with preferences for special interests.
I vaguely remember this Powell. I actually respected him. Want to read the entire transcript? go here: