I believe there are two terrible reasons why impeachment efforts would accomplish nothing: 1) The neocon-controlled Congress won’t allow it, and 2) Bush is not really in charge.
The first reason should be completely obvious. “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.” So, where is the two-thirds majority in today’s senate?
http://faculty.lls.edu/manheim/cl1/impeach.htm The second reason requires a bit more evidence. A look at Bush’s treatment during crises makes it clear that those in power consider him a very low priority, and don’t trust him to act outside their direct influence. Some evidence:
Bush was apparently first told of the 9-11 terrorism unfolding at about 9:00AM, fifteen minutes after the first plane struck the NY towers. For the next hour, Bush read to the kids at the Booker Elementary School, talked with Cheney, commented to the press outside the school, drove to the Sarasota airport, and remained there for fifteen minutes. No special Secret Service protection was provided. At 9:55AM, Air Force One took flight, unaccompanied by any Air Force protection. In fact, they flew around in circles over Florida for two hours, vulnerable to possible air attack. At 9:30AM, when Cheney was rushed to an underground bunker, Bush was chatting with reporters in front of the elementary school.
http://home.alamedanet.net/~vajra/sept11/bush.htm When the independent commission interviewed Bush to inquire why terrorism seemed not to be a priority prior to 9-11, it was mandated that he would not meet with them alone: Cheney had to be present. “The commission had preferred to meet separately with Bush and Cheney, but the White House wanted the president and vice president to face the commission together. After the administration placed restrictions on holding separate meetings - only two commissioners could meet with each for one hour - the commission agreed to the joint meeting in which all the commissioners could meet for an unspecified amount of time with both.”
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,118508,00.html The White House went to red alert on May 11 after a small private plane entered restricted airspace over the executive mansion. The Secret Service evacuated the vice president to a "secure location" and rushed the first lady and visiting former first lady Nancy Reagan into a bunker. Despite the red alert, however, neither the White House nor the Secret Service interrupted Bush's bicycle ride in a suburban wildlife center in nearby Maryland to alert him about the threat. In the end, the Secret Service delayed until the end of his bike ride and some 40 minutes after the "all-clear" was given to brief the president.
http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/5/21/113947.shtml If we could impeach the entire administration, then the impeachment process might accomplish something of benefit to our nation. But removing Bush from office would only change the face of the neocon power elite, not its essence.
We feel less helpless in contemplating the miserable course of this nation today when we engage in fantasies of removing Bush from office, but I fear we’re only kidding ourselves.