Please feel free to add or edit as you feel you need.
This is how I would respond:
First let me preface what I am about to say to you with this. I want you to know that I honestly do respect what you are doing for me and our great country. Yes, I am grateful that I can express my views through the hard work, blood, sweat and tears of honorable and dedicated people like you. As well as those that have fought and died for our freedoms through out the history of our Democracy.
It is not the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines that I have a problem with. Rather it is the policy makers and their reasons for going to war in Iraq.
I myself have family and friends that have served honorably in the military to protect our precious freedoms, and understand full well the sacrifices they made for anyone to speak freely and without worry of retribution. Sometimes it is necessary to defend those freedoms through war.
While we had legitimate reasons for going into Afghanistan to track down and bring to justice Osama Bin Laden. For murdering three thousand people and committing acts of aggression and terrorism on American soil, I had no problem with that.
However we had no provocation for committing our troops to be sent into harms way and killed or maimed. It is very serious business and forever changes peoples lives, just ask any of your comrades mothers that have lost sons or daughters. Ask any of your fellow servicemen and women that are missing body parts and what it has done to change their lives.
While you may think my protest may be unpatriotic or demeaning to you and your fellow warriors, and that your personal sacrifices are meaningless and that I do not value your lives. That is quite the opposite of what I am really trying do and or say. I am fighting to bring as many of you and your friends home alive and with all your body parts that I can.
As far as choice of leadership, let me ask you if you have had superiors that you have served with and worked under that taught you the things you need to know to do your job, to the best of your ability. I am sure must have and or had leaders that you placed value in their experience and knowledge that may have served in previous conflicts.
Because of their own personal knowledge and insight from having been in life threatening situations before you, they were able to pass on extremely valuable knowledge that has and or will keep you alive in battle.
Let me ask you then, what makes you think some one like George W. Bush or Dick Cheney can fully comprehend the war that they have placed you in. Say what you will about John Kerry’s activism after his return from Vietnam, at least he knows what it is like to be shot at during a war far from those that he loved. He did not try to hide from the war; he was a volunteer just like you. He asked to go there, because he felt it was his moral obligation to defend our freedoms, including the freedom of expression.
You may want to take a long hard look at the people that are sending you and others like you into harms way and why they are sending you there. Here is some reading for you (see links below)to make a more informed decision about your own views.
And I do thank you for what you are doing and do not begrudge you for your having your own opinions, you are an honorable person who believes you are doing the right thing, or you would not be there. That can not be said for our president and or Vice President.