and won't bother to read the Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International report on the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia, and what it says about Clark.
Published on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 in the Independent / UK
Amnesty International:
NATO Deliberately Attacked Civilians In Serbia
by Robert Fisk Only five days after NATO was "exonerated" by the International War Crimes Tribunal for its killing of civilians in Yugoslavia last year, Amnesty International today publishes a blistering attack on the Alliance, accusing it of committing serious violations of the rules of war, unlawful killings and – in the case of the bombing of Serbia's television headquarters – a war crime.
The 65-page Amnesty report details a number of mass killings of civilians in NATO raids and states that "civilian deaths could have been significantly reduced if NATO forces had fully adhered to the rules of war".
Legalistic in nature but damning in content – the document reminds readers that Amnesty repeatedly condemned Serb atrocities against Kosovo Albanians – the report highlights inconsistencies and obfuscation by NATO's official spokesmen. Although NATO told Amnesty that pilots operated under "strict Rules of Engagement", it refused to disclose details of the "rules" or the principles underlying them. The report says: "They did not answer specific questions Amnesty International raised about specific incidents ..."
Amnesty records that NATO aircraft flew 10,484 strike missions over Serbia and that Serbian statistics of civilian deaths in NATO raids range from 400-600 up to 1,500. It specifically condemns NATO for an attack on a bridge at Varvarin on 30 May last year, which killed at least 11 civilians. "NATO forces failed to suspend their attack after it was evident that they had struck civilians," Amnesty says.