Edited on Sun Jun-12-05 05:01 PM by Malva Zebrina
and Clinton responded immediately to the attacking of his mother,as a known disruptive factor in the politics of the day, with great sarcasm and disgust. That shut them up fast.
How about attacking the mother of the worst president ever? She is not off bounds and neither is his vacant, rictus smiling wife, who goes about the world on the American tax payer money, pretending she is a world diplomat,dispatched to fix things up in the ME, while she knows not a jot or tittle of anything having to do with foreign policy. Her whole trip was a failure and a joke. She was a joke and she is a hopeless bimbo.
So are the daughers she raised. How about attacking them and their entitled lifestyle. Have they found a job yet?
Wanna get back at Cheney? Attack his lesbian daughter, whose life style he supports, and who is making big bucks cavorting around lesbian circles, titillating those to support the Republican party. She has a woman as a lover and has had one for years and is still making big bucks off the Republican party for her work for them.
Well, wait, I have nothing against anyone's private preferences as far as sexuality goes, but apparently Cheney's party, the party that voted for Bush because he was going to change the Constitution with an ammendment that would difine marriage as that between a man and a woman and of which, after the election he dropped like a hot potato (sorry all you Bush voters who thought and really believed he would do that, you were duped) (and sorry all you Bush voters, today we reached the 1,700 mark in deaths of our soldiers in Iraq, fighting something that canno9t even be called a war in the legal sense of the the word.)