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How's this for a stupid comparison?

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illflem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-05 04:59 PM
Original message
How's this for a stupid comparison?
Email I received

The salesman in the new car dealership noticed a recent customer in a parking lot, and went up to ask him how he liked his new car. The man spun around at the sound of his voice, and his eyes flashed pure rage... He spat out... YOU LIED TO ME!!!! You told me this car was the safest choice on the road!

"It is..." The salesman started to defend, but it was too late... "This car isn't about SAFETY AT ALL! The man screamed, It handles, corners, stops, accelerates faster than anything I've ever seen, and it goes farther on a gallon of gas than anything else I've ever owned, or anything anyone I know owns!" "B-b-but..." The salesman tried to speak but got shouted down.. "Further, it accelerates so fast my wife bumped a car ahead of her yesterday, and we had our first accident ever! And I stopped so quick last week someone almost hit me from behind! And my daughter got her nose bruised because I swerved to miss a dog on the road and the car darted so fast around it she hit her nose on the glass when I swung back!" The man was now panting with exertion and his voice starting to crackle just a bit from the over-use in his bellowing.. "And further, you can fall asleep in this thing, it's so quiet and so comfortable you could just drift off!"

Sated for the moment, the man stood silent for a moment... "Honey, I love the car.,.." his wife started to say, but he shouted her down "Shut up, this might be your car, but this isn't about you!!!" he bellowed again.

Finally silent for a moment, the man let the salesman speak... "But sir, this car IS the most safe ever built. From restraints, to the strength of the car, to air bags, to control, traction, handling, and even the materials on the inside, it is the MOST safe ever built by man..."

"BUT YOU LIED TO ME YOU@#$@#%$#$!~!!!" the man bellowed again. This car isn't about safety or security at all, it's about fuel economy and performance and handling and comfort.

"But sir!" the salesman said, " I told you when you bought it that you had to re-learn how to respond, how to drive, in order not to have accidents or do unsafe things... I told you only about those things you could not see for yourself. I told you about those things that could benefit you and your family the most, if the worst possible thing should happen... and I pray it never does and you never, EVER need to use or see or experience or even think about these things.

I told you about all those things you could not see, and warned you about the perils of having that much control of your own driving, but that this was the safest thing you could do..."

The man shoved the salesman a few feet over, yanked open the door of his new car, got in, slammed the door, and left in a mighty roar, leaving two smoking strips of black pavement... while screaming out the window... "You lousy, rotten, stinking, god-dammed LIARRRRR!!!!"

Of course, we'd think the buyer an idiot for his response.... but then, look at Iraq... Freedom, democracy, region-changing notions and liberation for the first time of a middle Eastern country, and it's learning process of how to be a liberated people... And all the libs can do is scream in fanatical rage.... "HE LIED!!!!"
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seabeyond Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-05 05:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. the most obvious, the saleman told him the truth
bush lied.

if bush had said, it is about bringing democracy. we are going in with too few troops. we are breaking constitutional law. we are stealing tax payer dollar. we are allowing our companies to take over iraq, and not giving iraqi's jobs, we are going to over work our military, put a unimaginable strain on them making their mission about impossible. we want their oil

then, there might be a comparison to this email

but bush didnt tell us that
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Vincardog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-05 05:10 PM
Response to Original message
2. liberation begins at home. We must free ourselves from the FASCISTs
Go Dean.
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uppityperson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-05 05:15 PM
Response to Original message
3. This made me snort. Here's my response-hahahahhahaha, idiot
Except for the fact they don't have freedom, democracy, region-changing notions and liberation for the first time of a middle Eastern country, and it's learning process of how to be a liberated people, it still doesn't compare.

More simple for simpler minds: they are occupied people, not liberated but occupied.
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firefox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-05 05:27 PM
Response to Original message
4. The story is absurd. The comparison is absurd.
Edited on Sun Jun-12-05 05:30 PM by firefox
You could not tell a more absurd story than that. In the real world that just would not happen. The story is absurd. Then he goes on to project a false view of Iraq for the reality impaired and make an absurd comparison of a car customer and an illegal war.

It also shows how dumb/brainwashed this guy must thing the average person is. Otherwise he would not put it out in fear of overwhelming embarrassment.

The projection about the wonderfulness of Iraq and our sacrifice to make it wonderful makes the propaganda sickening.
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NeoTraitors Donating Member (351 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-05 05:44 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. What a bunch of crap.
I won't even touch the switcheroo regarding Iraq, but when did giving out foreign aid become such a great thing to the RW?

'But the liberal press doesn't talk about all of the GOOD things going on in Iraq.' Like spending BILLIONS on foreign aid. How can even 'conservatives' fall for this crap?
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