Steve Clemmons today wrote at that the White House has contacted Harry Reid asking what he wants re: Bolton in order to get a vote. If this is so, it's the first indication that the WH is willing to give something in order to move the Bolton nomination forward.
There are three things the Senate Dems requested from the WH and that they've been holding firm on. There are
1. The NSA intercepts that Bolton requested, including the identities of 19 U.S. officials whose names were redacted from what the senate intelligece chair & co-chair were allowed to see
2. All materials -- emails, speech preparation info, position papers, and other communications -- surrounding the preparation of testimony John Bolton planned to give on Syria's WMD programs. The senate needs this in order to consider whether Bolton lied to the Foriegn Relations committee when he gave his testimony.
3. The client list of Matthew C. Freedman, a staff asst/mgmt consultant /friend of Bolton's who continued his paid lobbying efforts while working for Bolton in the State Dept.
We need to re-inforce to Harry Reid that he needs to get all three of these items from the White House so that the senators have all the information they need to decide upon Bolton's nomination. Any deal for receipt of only partial information is insufficient and short-changes the senators ability to make an informed decision.
Please send an email to Harry Reid fax him
or call his office
As soon as possible! He needs to knonw that we stand behind him and support him in standing firm against the WH until the senate gets everything they've requested. Three items. That's it, just 3 items. No less.
For more info, see Steve Clemons article