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Are their any DU'ers who were affected by Hurricane Isabel? Anyone?

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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 04:56 PM
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Are their any DU'ers who were affected by Hurricane Isabel? Anyone?
I just watched Blitzers News on CNN.....and he gave a short segment to what looks like a really bad aftermath to the Hurricane. Here in NC we know what it's like when the Media doesn't care....and you're sweating in heat and boiling water and looking for ice everywhere........

I wonder if this isn't like what happened to Poppy when he and the major media "ignored for all purposes" Hurricane Hugo in SC?

It's not a good time to have voters without power and water and death toll rising....and Chimpy flys in on his helicopter....makes one appearance in Richmond (REPUG Stronghold) and says "'s good to see Americans, helping.." He's got to do better than that.....or folks are going to start to compare themseves with the Iraqi's who have water and electricity problems.....and he doesn't need that bad flack after the Gallup Poll!

I still think this Hurricane is going to bite him in his some way we don't see now.....but down the line......and there's another Summer to go for us and Chimp......

We have to see how he and his business cronies in the Insurance Industry handle this....but ....I think it will be very bad for the long run....another "nail in his coffin."
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patdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 05:06 PM
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1. Well, I lost electric on Thursday at about 2:00 - 4:00 PM
came back on at about 6:00 PM on Sunday...and they are saying in Hampton Roads about 75% will be up and running by Thursday...that means 25% one week after the storm will remain without.

It was a pretty devistating storm...and I am sure Dominion VA Power is doing it's utmost..but how much better would this be if we had the National Guard helping in the 'reconstruction' of Virginia/North Carolina/Maryland vs the 'reconstruction' of Iraq? This is proof that we need our 'Homeland' as protected as we need Iraq protected!! :grr: :grr: :grr:
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 06:17 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. It's a long time for those 25% who are suffering standing in lines for
water.....and have lost everything in their Refrigs and the discomfort of "hot weather" and time lost and kids crying and media deprivation.......

It wears on you......speaking as a person who was without power for 10 days in 90 Degree heat once. I did have running water......but many couldn't even use their water or shower or "flush their toilets." There's nothing like not having a shower, and not flushing that will get people very angry.......I was! And I grew up in "Rural America" and new how to deal with it....although I had to go back to childhood to recall the memory!
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Sequoia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 05:18 PM
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2. Agree.
I'm not telling you where (okay, California) or who but the news was on showing people back there standing in line for ice and water and the anchor got all cocky saying how he didn't feel sorry for them at all, they knew the hurricane was coming and should've stocked up.
This guy is like that about a lot of things (calls people left or right wing nuts, etc.) and upsets the viewers. He's still on but if this keeps up he'll be standing in his own line. This guy would be welcome on Bush's team you can be sure. Well, I'm from NC and my heart goes out to all of you there in that state and Virginia. Bush is just a coward, as is all these slash and burn types. Hang in there.
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Don_G Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 05:24 PM
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3. Quite A Few
Here is a map of the contributing DUers' in a recent fund rasing campaign. I believe its fairly representative of where the DU members are. (Courtesy of GregW)

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Fixated Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-22-03 06:22 PM
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5. ....
My area had a rough weekend with electricity (but not me), and people had some branches through windows. Nothing terrible.
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