Maureen Coulter has furnished her apartment with secondhand goods and pieces salvaged from the trash. She jokes she will auction her dripped-on candle, at center, on e-Bay to raise some money to pay bills.Retired hairdresser Maureen Coulter has become a queen of make do, put off, go without and borrow from Peter to pay Paul. She lives on a monthly Social Security check of $1,280.20, which she describes as scant payback for the 41 years she was in the work force.
Now 61, she retired involuntarily after a major health setback in 2000 and 2001. She developed severe brain swelling and other complications because of an immune disorder she declines to identify. It hospitalized her for five months, then put her in a convalescent home for five months more.
During the crisis, the Las Vegan lost her sole investment, a two-bedroom townhome, as well as her vehicle and most of her furniture and personal belongings. Because of lingering health problems, she is disabled....
"Food stamps? I applied three, four years ago. I made $16 (a month) too much," she recalls. In 2004, the state's low-income energy assistance program also said she made too much.