Thank you for joining Representative Conyers's call to demand that Bush explain the deceptions detailed in the Downing St. Memo. We’ll let you know when the petition reaches half a million and tell you how the delivery to the White House goes.
One of the other ways we can make a difference on this crucial issue is to contact the national media and demand further coverage of this scandal. While foreign journalists have given the memo wide exposure, American media remains eerily quiet. The national TV network news shows in particular have failed to investigate the memo <1>.
However, this is a problem we can help to solve. Readers of the New York Times recently demanded coverage of the British memo, and the newspaper finally wrote a full story <2>. We can do the same for network news.
Please call or email the nightly news programs you watch, at:
ABC World News Tonight
Phone: 212-456-4040
CBS Evening News
Phone: 212-975-3691
NBC Nightly News
Phone: 212-664-4971
PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
Phone: 703-739-5000
Identify yourself as a viewer, then say something like:
"Please investigate and report on the British 'Downing St. Memo' suggesting the Bush administration manipulated intelligence to support its longstanding plans to invade Iraq. We need to know what really happened. Thank you for your time."
It's important to track our impact. Please let us know you're calling at: The American media's failure to question the Bush administration led to an unnecessary war. Now the media's failure to cover the war is making it impossible for Americans to unite behind an exit plan. This won't get better until we demand more coverage of the war.
Thank you for all that you do,
--Ben, Noah, Wes, Micayla, and the MoveOn PAC Team
1. "Network Viewers Still in the Dark on 'Smoking Gun Memo,'" FAIR, May 20, 2005 2. "New Public Editor Looks at 'Downing Street Memo' Coverage," New York Times, May 24, 2005